Saga of Westmarch Wiki

Narrator: The delvers stand in the magically lit room over the rapidly dissipitating mist that used to be the Peshkali. The only other signs of the fierce battle are the demon's weapons clattering on the floor and the pools of blood spreading out beneath Thog, Arganyev, and Singeon.
GM: So, what are people doing?
Singeon: The rest of the area is clear?
Lenia (Harald387): Thog was fairly critically injured; I'd like to try First Aid on him.
GM: Lenia, roll it. That will take about 30 minutes, remember. Singeon, nothing else is immediately attacking you - how much are you exploring?
Arganyev: I'm unconscious, or barely conscious (under HPs)
Singeon: Looking out the doorway
Lenia (Harald387): First Aid (16) [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [1,3,5] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7
Sithis: I look over here
GM: Arganyev, you're fine as long as you do nothing.
Singeon: Dead end?
Arganyev: Okay GM
GM: Sithis, the space you're in appears to be some kind of magical workshop - there's the circle on the floor and other weird symbols on the walls.
GM: Singeon, you found the garderobe.
Thog: "Owie. Thog leaking."
Singeon: Garderobe?
GM: Primitive toilet.
Lenia (Harald387): "Stop complaining, you big oaf, I'll patch you up."
Sithis: on the walls? goog!!
GM: Anyone doing anything else while Lenia patches Thog?
Sithis: I study the symbols
** Singeon will go out and pull the Cleric into the main room, then shut the door **
Arganyev: ooc: scholarship?)
GM: Arganyev - what?
Arganyev: she could study them with her scholar talent
Arganyev: only an idea
GM: Sithis - they mean nothing to you, but they do seem magical.
GM: Scholar talent doesn't work that way.
GM: She reads manuals, not random things on the walls.
Arganyev: the pages are the walls! ;)
Sithis: they don't left me study another day!
GM: Okay.
Sithis: I go to the chest
GM: 30 minutes pass as everyone catches their breath. Well, almost everyone.
Sithis: I look if it is magic or not
Arganyev: how is my health? Can I ask?
GM: Arganyev - you took 16 damage.
Arganyev: I cant take any healing, i guess
GM: Sithis - that chest isn't magical, that you can tell. The bookshelf on the south wall is magical, as well as a hat on the bed. There are several bits of magic on the corpse.
Sithis: I look too the rest of room, is there something in the floor?
GM: Arganyev - no one to heal you unless you drink a potion.
GM: No, the rest of the room has a smooth floor with nothing exceptional about it.
Lenia (Harald387): [1d6-3] => [4,-3] = (1) HP regained for Thog.
Arganyev: Okay, then there is no "faked" Beltarne?
GM: [1d6-3] => [3,-3] = (0)
GM: 2 points for Thog.
GM: You do your best, but you're no priest.
Lenia (Harald387): Clearly.
Sithis: oh! good! I go for the bookshelf on the south wall
Lenia (Harald387): I suppose that's why we brought potions.
Arganyev: I take the potion, tell me what is the result Okay?
GM: Which potion?
Arganyev: this:
GM: Sithis - the bookshelf is about 3' wide, 1' deep, and 5' tall (5 shelves). There's about 18 books on it, 3-4 per shelf.
GM: Say again, Arganyev?
Sithis: hehe, 18, my treasure!!
Arganyev: sorry, I haven't it listed in my sheet, but I said
Sithis: I start reading one
GM: The books are all very large - a mix of dwarven tomes and codexes.
Arganyev: I took one fromthe camp, when we did the exorcism
Arganyev: can I use that healing potion?
GM: It's the "Word of the Ebon Master" - a treatise on black magic. Want to continue?
GM: There were major and minor potions at camp. Which did you take?
Sithis: oh, sure!
GM: Okay.
Arganyev: how much heals each type? please
Arganyev: I guess I took major healing
Narrator: Sithis selects a massive tome at random, sits down, and begins perusing it. Her mind fills with knowledge.
GM: Major is [2d6] => [3,5] = (8)
GM: you heal 8 points.
Arganyev: Im at HP 5
Sithis: oh! great
GM: You are now in merely bad shape, not actually likely to pass out.
Singeon: We need to rest here, help the Cleric recover.
GM: Sithis - it will take you another 4 hours to read...
Arganyev: Okay Singeon, so we have a Beltarne at last...
GM: Is everyone okay with the plan of just resting here?
Arganyev: I do!
Singeon: This place is defensible. Sithis can help to lock the door well.
Sithis: hehe, they need to rest, I have time..
GM: There's no lock on the door.
Lenia (Harald387): I like resting.
Singeon: It has a bed. Dibs.
Lenia (Harald387): With Thog patched up, I'd like to take the time to go over what I presume is Dunner's corpse.
Singeon: Sithis can rig something to hold the door.
Arganyev: Sithis stripped the lock? wow ;;D
Singeon: We got spikes, don't we?
Sithis: Sithis don't heard Singeon, she's too busy...
Singeon: .me calls out to Sithis: "We need your expertise!"
GM: Could be, could be. It's been dead for years - what little flesh remains of the face has a surprised, angry expression and his hands are clutching his throat. He has ornate, magical rings on both hands and a magical amulet.
Arganyev: I would try to approach myself to the red runes (the circle) for a Demonlore roll; could I?
GM: Also, there's a staff near the body - made from rare woods, inlaid with gold, silver, and gems. It, too is faintly magic.
Lenia (Harald387): I'll take all four! Looting corpses is the OTHER path to riches and glory.
Sithis: Sithis raise angry, but at last she raise..
Sithis: what says Singeon about the door?
Singeon: Can you find a way to secure it for the night.
Sithis: perhaps...
GM: Lenia - doing anything to examine them?
Lenia (Harald387): Apart from ensuring that they're magical and valuable, I'll only worry about it if we decide to rest here long-term.
GM: Sithis - your traps skill will let you bar the door in a way that anyone approaching will get wounded and make noise.
Lenia (Harald387): If so, I have Analyze Magic and figuring out what rings and amulets do is important.
Sithis: Okay, I do that
Sithis: roll it?
GM: How long are you guys hanging out in the room?
GM: No, I roll it for you if it comes up.
** Arganyev "Effectively, this damn circle was the anchor for that foul demon! I guess we had divine support for surviving to that!" **
Sithis: I want look th e corpse too! I don't look yet!
GM: Lenia has efficiently stripped the corpse of magical valuables.
Arganyev: Singeon, Thog,could you help me to put some heavy object over this circle? As a box, a door... whatever... heavy it if is possible
Sithis: oh! too late1
Sithis: I return to read books
Singeon: Yes. (Singeon helps)
Sithis: more books?
Arganyev: Mark, can we put some heavy object for "overlayering" that circle?
** Arganyev "That is, mates!" **
GM: There's 18 books there, Sithis. They all deal with demons, the undead, violence, cruelty, and the like.
** Arganyev returns back, sneakily, for taking a glance to the sort of books Sithis just found out in the shelve... **
Sithis: I want to continue reading books
Narrator: The delvers shove the bed over the circle.
GM: okay, how long are you guys staying here?
GM: Discuss, tell me an answer. Please.
Singeon: We need Beltarne well rested. 1/3 day?
Lenia (Harald387): If we stay here a few hours, I can analyze the magical items we've found and figure out what they do.
Arganyev: the idea (i think) was to be able to recover HPs
Sithis: for me, all time they need for heal
Singeon: We naturally recover 1 HP per day
Singeon: Beltarne went unconscious from fatigue. How is he wound wise?
Arganyev: then we cant really return to the camp now, with the passage crumbled down....
Lenia (Harald387): I think we can crawl over the rubble.
GM: He's a mass of wasps stings, but he can cure himself when he wakes up easily enough.
GM: Lenia is right - there was enough space between the rubble for everyone to crawl through, though it would take a lot of time.
Sithis: 4 hours/book hmmm 6 books/day... 3 days!
Singeon: We would further exhaust ourselves getting back.
GM: And wouldn't be able to carry anything big.
Lenia (Harald387): We're not waiting here three days.
Singeon: Sithis, hat are you muttering?
Arganyev: a lot of time, and danger; surely there remain some critters
GM: like, say, the 15 books you already have, or the 18 books you just acquired.
Lenia (Harald387): There's got to be another exit.
Arganyev: Beltarne, awoke and walk!
Sithis: haha
Singeon: Down the toilet there must be a drain
** Arganyev says: We need you! **
Lenia (Harald387): I think we're all agreed that we'll stay here for eight hours or so?
Beltarne: "Aye, laddie? I'm under a curse, and my soul be not well. I can cure you, but nothing more."
** Arganyev is surprised: the grey GM curse on Beltarne is no more! ? **
Singeon: Yes, rest/
** Arganyev how are you, Mr. Dwarf Gold & Glory? **
Singeon: Beltarne? A curse?
Beltarne: "Aye, a curse. My soul is drained."
Singeon: What can we dom friend?
Singeon:, friend
Arganyev: I could prepare an exorcism
Singeon: I love it when you do that
Arganyev: this demonic place is... ideal for that
Beltarne: "I have no ambition, no interests. THere is nothing that ca be done - the Bronze Mask is angry with me for failing for fulfil my duties and to observe common courtesy."
Sithis: hey! Arganyev is a guy, singeon!
Arganyev: ah, nothing can save you from that!
Singeon: I love the exorcisms. Not love that way.
Singeon: By the gods, people
Lenia (Harald387): ((I think Mark's trying to tell us that with Nate not here, Beltarne will not be participating much.))
Mark: Nate's not here, and I'm not running his character beyond the most minimal healbot way. Deal with it.
Singeon: ((I know, but this is fun))
Lenia (Harald387): Okay! I'll Analyze the rings and amulet. It's an hour per casting.
Singeon: Can I get a heal, friend?
Sithis: Singeon, I was joking :)
Arganyev: Singeon, you barely reached -HP x5... why do you take hurry for healing?
Beltarne: "Aye, that be within my power." beltarne casts a spell. [3d6.skill(15,-3)] => [1,2,4] = 7 vs (12) or less Success! by 5
** Singeon doesnt understand metagame terms. Sorry. **
Arganyev: sorry)
GM: You heal 8 points of damage.
Singeon: I am at 10 HP.
Arganyev: that is double than me
GM: everyone roll Observation -6 or Perception -11, please.
Singeon: Then I will be on watch.
Arganyev: Beltarne, I will need your help, too, after Singeon
Arganyev: [3d6] => [3,5,3] = (11)
Lenia (Harald387): Per (12) [3d6.skill(12,-11)] => [6,2,5] = 13 vs (1) or less Critical Failure! by 12 [B556]
Beltarne: "Dwarf gods, help this heathen come to the forge." [3d6.skill(15,-3)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3
GM: you get better.
Singeon: [3d6-11] => [5,6,2,-11] = (2)
Beltarne: [3d6.skill(13,-6)] => [6,1,5] = 12 vs (7) or less Failure! by 5
Singeon: Faled by 13 or so
Sithis: [3d6] => [4,6,4] = (14)
Thog: [3d6.skill(10,-6)] => [2,3,5] = 10 vs (4) or less Failure! by 6
** Arganyev 'Dont worry folks; all we are observing, and we are a good number of people; all is well...' **
GM: Okay, nobody sees anything.
GM: Lenia, page reference for Analyze Magic?
Lenia (Harald387): M102.
GM: danke.
GM: what are you analyzing first?
Lenia (Harald387): The amulet.
Arganyev: she seems thrilled
GM: roll it.
Lenia (Harald387): Analyze Magic (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [2,3,3] = 8 vs (17) or less Success! by 9 for [8] => 8 FP.
Beltarne: "Lords below, help these heathens find me gold for yae." [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [2,1,4] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9 ,[3d6.skill(16,0)] => [5,1,3] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7 [3d6.skill(16,-3)] => [2,1,6] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4 [3d6.skill(16,-3)] => [3,1,2] = 6 vs (13) or less Success! by 7
GM: Arganyev and Singeon heal other 6 points each and Beltarne falls unconscious again.
** Arganyev 'THAT is a prayer, Mr. Gold!' **
Arganyev: oh sorry
Arganyev: Im at 11 HPs
** Singeon will go to the toilet thing and look down the hole to determine where it might go or what is down there. **
GM: Singeon - will roll at -2.
Singeon: Im at 16HP, one off full
Singeon: Perception?
Arganyev: Singeon, really there is a hole?
Singeon: [3d6+2] => [6,5,4,2] = (17)
Singeon: Crit fail!
GM: Lenia - the amulet is some kind of weird spell that you're not too sure of. Necromantic, possible some variant of Soul Jar.
GM: Singeon - flashy swashbucklers do not crawl through piles of shit in search of exits. You're a flashy swashbuckler. Figure it out.
Lenia (Harald387): That one goes at the bottom of the backpack, wrapped separately.
GM: Two hours have passed. Beltarne wakes up again.
Singeon: Beltarne. What is it?
Lenia (Harald387): I'm going to assume, for now, that the staff has a Staff enchantment. I'd like to analyze one of the rings next.
Beltarne: "Forge lords below, restore this ogre, who is tae dumb tae even be our enemy. Make him well, so he can smite his fellow-beasts and help me bring ye more gold." [3d6.skill(15,-5)] => [2,3,4] = 9 vs (10) or less Success! by 1
Thog: "Thog leaking less. Thank you, funny little man."
GM: Beltarne collapses from exertion after healing Thog.
** Arganyev 'good Beltarne' **
GM: Lenia, roll it.
Lenia (Harald387): Analyze Magic (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [6,6,5] = 17 vs (17) or less Failure! [B556] for [8] => 8 FP.
Lenia (Harald387): Luck.
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,1,1] = 3 vs (17) or less Critical Success! [B556]
GM: well.
Lenia (Harald387): Heh.
GM: It's a ring of DR+2.
Lenia (Harald387): How very handy.
Lenia (Harald387): Didn't help him much.
Arganyev: I watch the nighmare-ready-bed, often
Arganyev: that is a good ring, indeed...
Arganyev: any one not finds use for it?
Lenia (Harald387): I think it would best suit Sithis, to be honest.
GM: Beltarne recovers again, kneels down, and starts praying.
Singeon: I need to be light armored to be effective.
Singeon: Though Sithis does as well
Arganyev: here you are, again!
Lenia (Harald387): And Analyzing the second ring!
Lenia (Harald387): Assuming we all want to wait.
Singeon: yes
GM: everyone make perception tests at +2.
Arganyev: [3d6] => [4,3,3] = (10)
Singeon: [3d6-2] => [3,6,6,-2] = (13)
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(12,+2)] => [2,4,4] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: missed by 3
Sithis: I agree with Singeon, he is very wiser
Sithis: err wise
Singeon: Never have I been accused of that before!
Singeon: But thank you
GM: Arganyev and Lenia notice that Sithis has disappeared. There is a boring looking peasant, wearing a brown skullcap and a dull brown tunic, sitting in front of the south bookcase reading a book.
Sithis: ah, iok
Arganyev: there is always a first time; I thought that while rats were eating my face, eyes, nose...
** Singeon smiles that smile that makes the world smile **
** Arganyev 'Sithis!' **
GM: Singeon is apparently throwing daggers at the walls or something.
Sithis: what happened?
Singeon: You man, what are you doing here?
** Arganyev grabs the peasant 'Witcher! Return back our dark elf! NOW!' **
** Singeon readies sabers **
** Lenia (Harald387) is busy concentrating on Analyze Magic, and didn't actually succeed on that roll. **
Arganyev: I menace it with stranglement
Arganyev: (constriction)
GM: right, right.
GM: the peasant looks at you with complete confusion.
** Singeon points a blade to its chest. **
Singeon: Where is she?
** Arganyev looks at the peasant with DOUBLE confussion and TRIPLE anger **
Sithis: hey Arganyev, left me read quiet!
GM: The peasant says, "Hey Arganyev, left me read quiet!" in the most boring, monotone tenor voice you can imagine.
** Arganyev takes out the book of the hands of the peasant, and shouts: 'Listen now, and finally: I repeat to you, RETURN our companion NOW!' **
Arganyev: (the book now is in the floor)?
GM: Dunno - make a grab check.
** Arganyev 'enough study, repair now the harm you caused here, old man!' (tosses the book to the floor) **
Arganyev: [3d6] => [6,2,2] = (10)
GM: he nimbly side steps your grab and pulls the book to his chest.
** Arganyev is angry, and even more confused... **
Sithis: do you want left me quiet yet??
** Singeon places the blade across his throat. **
Singeon: I'd reconsider.
GM: by the way, the peasant isn't old looking. He shouts, "do you want left me quiet yet??"
** Arganyev 'Lenia, could you help us with this weirdness? This old man is agile as Singeon!' **
GM: Singeon - the peasant is pretty dodgy.
** Singeon says, "Sithis?" **
Arganyev: me 'What is that! Im having delusions?'
** Lenia (Harald387) snaps out of her concentration and stares at the scene. "Uhm." **
Singeon: Is that you?
Lenia (Harald387): I'll try Dispel Magic on the area encompassing all three.
GM: roll it.
Lenia (Harald387): Dispel Magic (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,4,6] = 11 vs (17) or less Success! by 6 for [8] => 8 FP.
GM: as Lenia begins casting, the man reaches up and takes off his hat. Sithis now stands there, looking at you in complete confusion, an old blue hat in her hand.
Singeon: It is you
** Arganyev in fury, stabs the floor with half length of his longsword. After a while 'Well, I guess these things do happens with magical artifacts!" **
Sithis: sure, I am!
Thog: "Who boring looking man, and where he go?
** Lenia (Harald387) sighs in irritation. "Next time could you people please think of the solution to the Gordian Knot before interrupting an hour-long spellcast?" **
Singeon: He's Sithis.
Singeon: I mean, she's him.. I mean...
Thog: "Haha funny little man! Sithis is darkie elf, not boring man!"
Arganyev: you mean what?
** Lenia (Harald387) starts over. **
Sithis: can I read yet quiet or not? angry!
Singeon: Nice hat?
Sithis: yes, very nice!
** Arganyev goes again to watch the nighmare-ready-bed... **
Sithis: can you take it? haha
Arganyev: a moment Sithis
whispering to Singeon, It was probably fashionable when your grandfather was young.
Arganyev: what is that book?
Arganyev: I have a feeling...
Singeon: Good to disguise youself, Sithis.
Sithis: not, your not feeling, you fall perception, remember...
Arganyev: that is right, Singeon
Sithis: the book was in the bookshelf
Arganyev: Lenia please, return to your concentration if you can...
GM: She's already doing that...
Lenia (Harald387): ((Good thing, too, or else I'd be making more snarky comments.))
Sithis: I keep my hat in the smallbackpack and continue reading
** Arganyev , if doesn't perceives nothing special about the book, goes again to watch the nighmare-ready-bed... **
GM: hmmm...
Singeon: I am on watch
Arganyev: me too
GM: It looks like your garden variety necromantic tome, Arganyev.
Arganyev: garden variety? what is the meaning of that?
Arganyev: necromantic vegetables?
Lenia (Harald387): 'Normal'
Arganyev: Okay!
Arganyev: Im in front of the bed
GM: Sorry. Uhm, it's a common tome of necromancy. skulls, crossbones, human skin covers, the like.
Singeon: (A grail. We already got one!))
Arganyev: Okay, thanks)
GM: okay. that was... excitingly strange. Lenia, roll the last analyze, please.
Lenia (Harald387): Analyze Magic (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [3,3,3] = 9 vs (17) or less Success! by 8 for [8] => 8 FP.
Sithis: what is she analyzing?
Lenia (Harald387): The second magical ring I found on the corpse.
GM: The 2nd ring she took off the corpse. It's a ring of Levitation and Blur.
GM: okay, 5 hours have passed since you entered the room, which means about 9 hours have passed since you left the camp, which means it's about 5pm.
Arganyev: how is Beltarne? I would thank a last healing
Lenia (Harald387): If we can figure out a way to get our haul back to camp, I think we're virtually done with the Caverns of Madness.
Singeon: Have we found everything we were looking for?
GM: He can't heal you again today.
GM: There was a door in the main gallery you didn't try.
Lenia (Harald387): We've got the sword, we've got the books, we've got plenty of swag.
Lenia (Harald387): There was that one door.
Arganyev: hm... not sure, Lenia, perhaps in other room there was another door; a metal one I remember, before entering the dark passage leading us here
Sithis: I take another book from the self
Sithis: there are 18! hehe
GM: Okay, Sithis. You start reading about Body Control spells.
Arganyev: Singeon looks as if he is reading on the table!
Sithis: Okay
Lenia (Harald387): I don't think we have time to sit here while you read all the books in Dunner's library, Sithis
** Singeon doesn't care to be accused of "reading." Unless there is a lot of pics in the book. **
Lenia (Harald387): It can wait until we get them back to town.
Sithis: if you see a peasant, please, left me quiet..
Arganyev: by the way, perhaps Dunner is here, in some place of these caverns?
Singeon: I should catch a few hours before we hit that door.
Lenia (Harald387): I'm pretty sure that's Dunner's corpse there, Arganyev.
Sithis: sure, but we can carry some books, right?
** Arganyev 'too many things for having in mind...' **
Arganyev: we should retreat to the space of the demonchilds, the metal door was there
Lenia (Harald387): We just need to figure out how to get those books through.
Sithis: Thog can left that tome of Invocation, no one want that tome and it is very hard, we can carry anothers
Lenia (Harald387): Though really if Thog fits, then people other than Thog should be able to haul books through.
Singeon: Are these books worth it, in comparisson to items of real value?
Lenia (Harald387): Books are valuable, Singeon.
Singeon: Not if we can't haul gold.
Arganyev: I agree with taking books in my back
GM: The books in here, altogether, weigh roughly 300 lbs.
Sithis: I don't know how many books I can wearer
** Lenia (Harald387) mutters something unkind about medieval bookbinding practices. **
Arganyev: we can share the weight, and going crawling as real thieves
GM: ** some of them are dwarf books, too! **
Sithis: and Thog?
Arganyev: dwarf (dwarven) or "little books"?
Lenia (Harald387): Dwarves don't make 'little' books.
Lenia (Harald387): They make 'em bigger.
Lenia (Harald387): Overcompensating, I think.
Arganyev: then they are 'dwarven books'... great (and weighty)
GM: steel plated.
Singeon: Dwarves have an issue about that... they build big because they are so small.
Singeon: Yes
Sithis: I was reading about control bodies while you discuss
Arganyev: I can charge 150 lbs of books moving at 1 or 2
Sithis: then the dwarf the others 150 lbs
Sithis: I m boring, I put my blue hat again :)
Singeon: Did you take the ring of DR, Sithis?
GM: Sithis disappears, and peasant reappears.
Sithis: for you, if you want it
Singeon: I am not fooled by this. Now, where did you put Sithis!
Singeon: Why don't you take the Ring of Blur for now
Arganyev: hm what is this? again?
Singeon: She's kind of cute like this.
Sithis: I don't take the ring of blur
Arganyev: Singeon, try to not being paranoid hitertho from peasants, thinking they are shadow elves, lurking...
Sithis: sorry, I don't took some ring yet
Singeon: Shadow elves! Where????
** Singeon laughs heartily! **
Arganyev: there is one
Sithis: then, can I take the ring of blur?
Singeon: I'll wear the ring of DR. Give the ring of Blur to Sithis.
Arganyev: sure (I think)
GM: Sure, thought it's a Ring of Levitation and Blur, technically.
Singeon: For now, until we return and divide out bounty up.
Sithis: thanks Singeon!
Arganyev: sure, these goods are useful right now!
Singeon: I think we have rules about purchasing items from the bounty
Sithis: oh! always I wanted levitate!
Arganyev: 'to levitate'
Lenia (Harald387): We can use the ring of Levitation/Blur to get our haul back across the chasm, at least.
Singeon: And i have always wanted more armor with no weight. Dreams can come true.
Arganyev: then, how is arranged the weight and bulk of the books? I can carry 150 lbs of them, as i said
Sithis: I have apportation!
Lenia (Harald387): There was also a chest here in the room.
** Arganyev what the... 'Lenia, what is she saying?" **
Lenia (Harald387): Is there anything in it?
GM: it's locked.
Singeon: Is their a sack to put books in so i can drop it in case of danger?
Lenia (Harald387): ...Five hours and *none* of you thought to check the chest?
Sithis: but I look the chest at first
whispering to Lenia (Harald387), also, the bookshelf is magical.
Sithis: I checked it long time ago
GM: Singeon - there isn't a pack that will hold 300 lbs of books.
Sithis: the GM say: noting magic there or such
GM: yes, the chest isn't magical.
Arganyev: a moment, quote:
Singeon: We are splitting them up between us I thought
Arganyev: Apportation: Move physical objects without
Sithis: I thought the chest empty, sorry
Arganyev: touching them. This spell levitates its
Sithis: I go to see the chest then
Sithis: i examine it
Lenia (Harald387): There's something magical about the bookcase, too.
Sithis: and open?
Arganyev: 'touching them. This spell levitates its subject at Move 1 – not fast enough to'
Lenia (Harald387): I should figure out what that's about.
Lenia (Harald387): I'll do that while you guys figure out how we're getting the books out.
Sithis: I open the chest... roll something?
whispering to Sithis, There's a crude poison needle trap, which you quickly disarm.
GM: Sithis, roll lock picking at -2.
Arganyev: 'Apportation: Duration: 1 minute.Cost: Varies with the weight of the object. Cost to maintain is the same.Weight Energy Costless than 1 pound 1up to 10 pounds 2 up to 50 pounds 3 up to 200 pounds 4 every additional 100 pounds +4 Prerequisite: Magery 1.'
Sithis: [3d6] => [6,5,1] = (12)
Arganyev: 'Magic, 142)
GM: Sithis unlocks the chest. There's some moldy clothes and a scattering of coins in it - a mix of copper and silver, mostly copper.
Sithis: success by 0! right?
GM: right.
Sithis: puag! moldy clothes!
** Arganyev 'Sithis, leave behind that booring look' **
Sithis: hey! I left the hat, haha, I keep it in my cloak
Lenia (Harald387): So yeah. Analyze Magic on the bookcase.
Arganyev: what a hat...
Sithis: a hat? nah!
Sithis: delusions...
whispering to Sithis, You do notice that the bottom of the inside of the chest is much higher than the bottom of the outside of the chest.
Arganyev: I see right now the hat, it is blue
GM: Lenia, roll Analyze.
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,1,3] = 5 vs (17) or less Critical Success! by 12 [B556]
Sithis: the hat is a toy
Sithis: my toy in fact
GM: Well. It's a Portable Bookshelf - it folds into an extradimensional space, including all the books on it, and then only weighs 10 lbs and looks like a book itself.
** Arganyev bows before Sithis' toy **
Lenia (Harald387): ...
Lenia (Harald387): I think I'm in love.
GM: Only books can be stored in it, though - it's Baned/Limited/whatever against anything else.
Arganyev: wow
Lenia (Harald387): Was there room for any more than what was on it already?
GM: Sure, there were only 3-4 books per shelf, you could probably get double that in there.
Lenia (Harald387): "This will take care of all our book-hauling problems nicely."
GM: You do need to know the command word, but then again, you figured it out.
Sithis: hi guys, here is money, in the chest!
Arganyev: Keep it, Thog!
Narrator: As the delvers crowd around the chest, Sithis steps back, flipping through a small book.
Lenia (Harald387): So, we load the books onto the shelf, and I use the command word.
** Arganyev another surprise, Sithis? What is this time? **
Singeon: Her and her books.
Sithis: heee, me? nothing
** Arganyev asks 'what is that book, again?' **
** Arganyev 'More summoning mini-manuals?' **
Lenia (Harald387): "I think at this point we'd be well served by a return to camp."
Sithis: no, sure, only a rapid look
Narrator: The Tome is really more of a summoning macro-manual.
Arganyev: Lenia, then do you have the command word?
Arganyev: summoning macro-manual?
Lenia (Harald387): I do have the command word.
Arganyev: Okay
Singeon: I vote we explore the door.
Sithis: what tome? this?
Singeon: My blades scream for blood!
Lenia (Harald387): "You should get that checked out by a cleric."
** Arganyev '(Lol) This place is entirely delusional. When we will be at the camp, all this will be only gold and precious gems... No more!' **
Singeon: It is an expression! Kinda poetic, IMHO
Arganyev: bloody poetic, indeed
GM: what are folks up to?
Arganyev: well, are we ready to return to the chasm, the tunnel, and test that metal door?
Singeon: Door, or camp? I say door.
Arganyev: door
GM: it's 6:30pm (game time) if that influences decisions.
Arganyev: not for me, I think
Singeon: It is always night underground.
Sithis: door, sure, more adventures
Lenia (Harald387): Shelving books and then folding up the bookcase, putting everything in order, and slipping the ring of Levitate/Blur on.
GM: I thought the ring went to Sithis? I know Singeon got the armor ring.
GM: You fold up the bookcase.
Arganyev: you are right Mark
Sithis: I think at last the ring was for Lenia
** Singeon limbers up, practicing a few lunges with his sabers. **
GM: well, Sithis apparently gave it to Lenia. Okay then.
Singeon: Lenia is not often in melee
Arganyev: be careful mate, you almost smacks my right eye
GM: Bored now.
Arganyev: we start to make our way, Okay?
Singeon: Ok
GM: You guys tramp/crawl/float/whatever back to the main gallery.
Sithis: I believed I don't had it never
** Arganyev 'Sithis, Please, remove that trap at the door, Okay?' **
Sithis: I remove the trap
Arganyev: thanks
GM: current damage totals: Arg 1, Thog 3, Singeon 0, Lenia and Sithis 0.
Arganyev: Okay
Narrator: The delvers return to the main gallery, still lit by the circle of light around the Swearing Sentinel.
Sithis: then, return camp?
Lenia (Harald387): The iron-bound door was in the East wall?
Arganyev: Thog, it is your turn: take us down please
GM: Something like that.
GM: The door is heavy wood and iron, and appears to be locked.
Lenia (Harald387): Sithis, open that if you please?
Arganyev: Mark, where is the door?
GM: does it matter?
Sithis: yes, only need to know where is the door
Arganyev: Okay, no
GM: there won't be a fight in this room.
Sithis: ah, well
Sithis: l
Sithis: i open then
Arganyev: Detect magic at the door, and then search for traps?
Arganyev: wait Sithis
GM: you don't find any traps or magic on the door. Roll lockpicking, Sithis.
Sithis: [3d6] => [5,1,4] = (10)
Sithis: success!
Arganyev: by 4
Sithis: I look in
Sithis: before opening, I cast Blur on me (for -2 to being hit)
Sithis: my first spell :)
GM: okay, Sithis. roll it.
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,5,4] = (12)
Arganyev: by 0
Sithis: by bit
GM: you spend 2 fatigue, and will spend 2 fatigue more every minute.
Narrator: The door opens onto a twisty hallway that runs for about 20-30 yards.

It then opens into a medium sized room; the opening is about 2 yds above the floor, which slopes gently down towards the far wall. A narrow ledge runs along the far and side walls, maybe a yard above your entrance, and rough and rotting wooden stairs run from here to the floor and another set runs from the floor to the far balcony. 3 rotting bodies in rusted scale armor stand in front of the far stairs, brandishing shields and maces. 3 more stand on the balcony, and begin spinning slings. Behind them, the tunnel continues.

GM: hang a second while I do annoying map crap.
Lenia (Harald387): "Vile undead!"
GM: okay, everyone see that?
Sithis: yes here
Lenia (Harald387): Yup.
Singeon: yes
Sithis: I learn something about control bodies?
Sithis: before)
Arganyev: so they are aware of our presence, I guess
Sithis: or I don't had time before?
GM: okay. things that are within 4 hexes of Lenia are brightly lit; things that are within another 9 hexes of Lenia are lit at -3. grey lines on the map are cliff edges. the color gradations represent the ground going down to the far wall.
GM: Sithis knows Wither Limb (a magical spell) at skill-11, but it would be hard to cast in combat.
GM: so. let's get started.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Thog: "Thog no likey rotting bodies - taste bad!" Move and ready arrows.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I move
GM: where to?
Arganyev: stairs
Sithis: by the floor brown
GM: okay, roll Perception -2.
Sithis: [3d6] => [4,3,1] = (8)
Sithis: success!
GM: as you run forward and down the steps, you notice all kinds of caltrops and spikes stuck in the stairs. you dodge them easily. roll DX-2.
Sithis: [3d6] => [6,3,2] = (11)
Arganyev: by 5
Sithis: success!
GM: one of the rotted boards begins to give, but you easily leap over it.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Sithis: then I advice the others
Singeon: I move forward and make an acrobatic leap down to the bottom and continue my move. Ok?
GM: Sure, sounds good.
Sithis: wait people! there are caltrops here!!
Sithis: I shout 'Beware, the floor is full of caltrops and other nasties!"
Singeon: Acrobatics (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,4,4] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
GM: roll acrobatics, and then perception at -4.
Singeon: [3d6+4] => [3,6,3,4] = (16)
Singeon: Missed perception by 6
Singeon: More cuz of light
GM: Ah. in the dark, as you jump down, you land on the caltrops that someone put their specifically to get you. [1d-2] => 1d-2[1d-2] => 1d-2[1d-2] => 1d-2
GM: [1d6-2] => [2,-2] = (0)[1d6-2] => [5,-2] = (3)[1d6-2] => [2,-2] = (0)
GM: None of them penetrate your boots and magic armor.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Singeon: All right!
Arganyev: good
Arganyev: I try to follow Sithis path, for avoiding caltrops as she did an instant before
GM: okay, perception -4 and DX-2.
Arganyev: per:
Arganyev: [3d6] => [5,2,3] = (10)
Arganyev: by 2
Arganyev: dx:
Arganyev: [3d6] => [5,5,5] = (15)
GM: You don't step right... [1d6-2] => [1,-2] = (-1)[1d6-2] => [3,-2] = (1)
Arganyev: fail by 5? I have 13
GM: but your tough boots absorb the damage.
GM: You do manage to step exactly where Sithis did - on the weakened board - and it breaks beneath you, dropping you do the ground.
Arganyev: ###
Arganyev: oops!
GM: [1d6+1] => [5,1] = (6)
Sithis: ay!
Arganyev: ay is ouch in spanish)
GM: your armor absorbs most of the damage and you take 3 hits, you are now prone.
GM: Spanish, shadow elf - who can tell the difference? =)

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [16] Zombies)

Sithis: haha
GM: you're also under the steps, for what it's worth.
Lenia (Harald387): Cast Lightning and step forward.
GM: roll it.
Sithis: Why I don't take damage
Lenia (Harald387): Lightning (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (17) or less Critical Success! by 11 [B556] for [2] => 2 FP.
Sithis: '?
whispering to Sithis, you're not taking damage because you see in the dark, weigh almost nothing, and dodge caltrops. Arganyev doesn't have these advantages.
Lenia (Harald387): For 0 FP, anyway. Done!
GM: Lenia murmurs magic and produces a ball of explosive lightning (3d base)
Arganyev: great

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [16] Zombies
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Sithis: against who she cast lightning?
Lenia (Harald387): It's a missile spell, I haven't thrown it yet. >.>
Arganyev: she has the energy in her hand
Zombie: "grrrr" the zombie guardsmen stand ready. "arg" the zombie slingers twirl their slings and aim.
Sithis: I don't see zombies still

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

** Arganyev 'Arg? What do they mean?' **
whispering to Sithis, There's 3 guards in front of the other steps, and 3 slingers on the ledge above them. You can make out their shapes.
Lenia (Harald387): "They mean 'eat the holy warrior first', I'm sure."
Thog: "Thog kill!" all-out determined [3d6.skill(21,-5)] => [1,1,4] = 6 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
Arganyev: sure!
Thog: [3d6.crit_hit()] => [3,1,1] = 5 The blow inflicts double damage. [B556]
Thog: [2d6+8] => [4,1,8] = (13)
Sithis: do you see the six zombies above us?
GM: Thog launches an arrow into the darkness. In the distance, there is a thumping sound.
** Arganyev shouts (prone) 'this place needs Watery dissolution, and then coagulation by Smiting Fire!' **
GM: That was strangely unimpressive, actually.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

GM: [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [3,5,6] = 14 vs (10) or less Failure! by 4
Sithis: I jump if I stay up,
Sithis: I move behind Singeon
GM: what do you mean? you're still standing.
GM: ah, okay. roll perception at -2 to avoid caltrops.
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,4,3] = (10)
GM: you nimbly dance through the caltrops to stand behind singeon.
Sithis: not behind, is at side

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Arganyev: at his side)
Singeon: How dark is it up there where the trio is at?
Sithis: I must protect him :)
GM: the guardsmen are at -3 for light penalties. the slingers are vague shapes in the darkness - call it -9 or so.
** Singeon moves **
GM: okay.
Singeon: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: I stand up, trying to take cover with my shield
GM: you kneel. good enough.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [16] Zombies)

Arganyev: ###
Lenia (Harald387): Another step, and pump another 6 FP into the Explosive Lightning to give it 6d.
GM: your big spell for the day? okay.
Lenia (Harald387): Done!

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [16] Zombies
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Zombie: "Garn!" A zombie steps forward and attacks Singeon [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [2,5,3] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: What are they wielding?
Zombie: the slingers continue aiming.
GM: maces.
Arganyev: weapons
Singeon: Retreat + Parry
GM: okay.
Singeon: Defend: Saber L Parry( 17F): [3d6.skill(17,3)] => [2,5,3] = 10 vs (20) or less Success! by 10
GM: you easily defend.
GM: make a DX check to retreat down the slope.
GM: or up the slope, actually...
Singeon: [3d6] => [2,3,3] = (8)
Lenia (Harald387): "Singeon, Sithis, get back!"
Singeon: By 7

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Sithis: back? sure?
Arganyev: AoE, beware!
Thog: "Twang, twang!" fast draw fast-ready shoot into darkness! [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [4,1,1] = 6 vs (15) or less Success! by 9 [3d6.skill(18,-1)] => [2,6,6] = 14 vs (17) or less Success! by 3 [3d6.skill(18,-8)] => [3,2,6] = 11 vs (10) or less Failure! by 1
Sithis: then, not beside singeon?
Lenia (Harald387): Where you are now is safe.
Arganyev: no
GM: Thog launches another bolt into the darkness. it crunches as it hits the far wall.
Arganyev: ok

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: i don't move, I wait for Singeon
GM: okay.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Singeon: Back up
Arganyev: moving backwards, half move
GM: Fair enough.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Singeon: DX?
GM: nah.
Arganyev: Im upwards?
GM: you can stand as a step and take an action.
Arganyev: I take cover with my shield, and ready my Holy Water flask ;;-D
GM: you do have to crouch under the steps, though. okay, you do that. you'll need to drop your sword, though.
Arganyev: ok, I do that

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [16] Zombies)

Lenia (Harald387): Step forward and fire at the nearest zombie.
GM: you're at -3 for lighting penalties, -5 for range.
Lenia (Harald387): I have the range at 11, -2 for the staff?
GM: right, -4 for range!
** Arganyev 'Purification by LIGHT! Good enough!' **
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(14,-7)] => [6,3,5] = 14 vs (7) or less Failure! by 7
Lenia (Harald387): Luck.
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(14,-7)] => [4,3,1] = 8 vs (7) or less Failure! by 1
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(14,-7)] => [5,4,3] = 12 vs (7) or less Failure! by 5
Lenia (Harald387): Bah.
Singeon: Bad luck.
Lenia (Harald387): Scatter!
GM: rules reference?
Lenia (Harald387): Finding it now.
Lenia (Harald387): I should have been aiming at the hex rather than the zombie. >.
Lenia (Harald387): +4 to hit.
GM: i got it, p 414.
GM: [1d6] => [5] = (5), off by 1 hex.
Lenia (Harald387): Damage is [6d6] => [1,6,5,5,2,1] = (20)
Lenia (Harald387): Burning, /3 for each hex distant.
Lenia (Harald387): Metal armor is only 1 DR, and I think they can be stunned. >.>
Arganyev: destroyed? Both?
Arganyev: great
Sithis: Lenia is very hard
Sithis: no mercy in she
Lenia (Harald387): Done!
Arganyev: hard as rocks
Arganyev: very well
Sithis: another lightning?
GM: Lightning envelops the zombies, burning their flesh and forcing spasms on their muscles that destroy their rotting bones. Two of them drop, but the third is smoking, smoldering, and twitching erratically as the energy slowly grounds out.
GM: Well.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [16] Zombies
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Zombie: "Ah ah ah!" yelps the guard. 2 of the slingers release [3d6.skill(14,-1)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1 , [3d6.skill(14,-1)] => [6,4,5] = 15 vs (13) or less Failure! by 2
Zombie: one hits Thog, the other... [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [2,6,1] = 9 vs (9) or less Success! by 0
Zombie: hits Lenia. Thog takes [1d6+2] => [1,2] = (3)
Zombie: 1 point of damage. Lenia may dodge.
Lenia (Harald387): Deflect Missile.
Arganyev: have luck)ç
GM: Yourself or Thog?
Lenia (Harald387): Deflect Missile (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,1,3] = 5 vs (17) or less Critical Success! by 12 [B556] for [1] => 1 FP.
Lenia (Harald387): Myself.
Arganyev: !
GM: fine, fine, by the way. both sling stones are deflected.
Lenia (Harald387): (Sorry, it doesn't let me type when it's asking for roll modifiers. =/)
GM: Some days, it's hardly worth trying to kill a bunch of delvers.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Lenia (Harald387): Well, we're professionals.
Arganyev: sure
GM: You guys almost forgot to loot a chest.
Arganyev: and with divine support
Arganyev: ~_~
GM: oh, that's me!
Arganyev: you trickster)
Thog: "Twang, twang!" fast draw fast-ready shoot into darkness! [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [3,2,1] = 6 vs (15) or less Success! by 9 [3d6.skill(18,-1)] => [3,4,5] = 12 vs (17) or less Success! by 5 [3d6.skill(18,-8)] => [2,3,1] = 6 vs (10) or less Success! by 4
Zombie: Dodge? [3d6.skill(6,0)] => [3,1,4] = 8 vs (6) or less Failure! by 2
Sithis: Lenia, quiet or attack?)
Thog: [2d6+8] => [1,3,8] = (12) vs DR2
Lenia (Harald387): "Finish them off!"
GM: another bolt into the darkness.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: ok, I'll try
Arganyev: Lenia, do you want to throw another AoE spell, or they run into melee now?
Sithis: I move and attack the other
Sithis: other*
Sithis: now, attack
GM: you're capped at 9, roll it.
Sithis: then heroic charge
GM: okay.
Sithis: [3d6] => [6,5,4] = (15)
Arganyev: by 3
Sithis: and now?
GM: you hit it. it tries to block [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [4,1,3] = 8 vs (8) or less Success! by 0
GM: its somehow imposes it's shield between your blade and it's stinking flesh.
Singeon: It isn't stunned?
GM: Stunned is just a -4 penalty, which I took.
** Arganyev 'Yes, that is the process of melee combat.' **
Singeon: Oh, my bad
Sithis: bah, pig skeleton!
GM: Pig skeleton?
GM: whatever.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Arganyev: Mwhahahahaha
Singeon: Heroic charge
Arganyev: it was an insult, in Spanish, again...)
Singeon: Heroic as well lol
Arganyev: they are Human Zombies, in fact
Sithis: yes, a pig skeleton!
GM: I'll have to remember that one.
Singeon: I dual hack his left leg. -2 leg, -3 visual
Arganyev: hahahah
Sithis: ehhh, nasty skeleton!
Singeon: Question: to cripple do you count one blow is excess of 1/2 HP or cumulative damage to the leg at 1/2HP?
GM: single blow.
Singeon: Okay
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-5)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (17) or less Failure! [B556]
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-5)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (17) or less Success! by 8
Singeon: One hit unless he defends
Zombie: mace parry [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [1,1,1] = 3 vs (8) or less Critical Success! [B556]
Arganyev: you failed! That will be in the Chronicles Singeon!)
Singeon: I invoke L U C K!
Zombie: mace parry [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [5,4,6] = 15 vs (8) or less Failure! by 7
Zombie: mace parry [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [6,2,3] = 11 vs (8) or less Failure! by 3
Arganyev: better
Singeon: Take that, Arganyev
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Swing): [2d6+2] => [5,1,2] = (8) cut
Arganyev: hey , I was looking for your good)
GM: He almost brings his mace down on Singeon's sword in a block that would have destroyed it, but then his muscles twitched again and the parry went wild. Sadly, Singeon does not carve through the armor and leg both.
Singeon: Next luck 10:06

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: I move forward, taking cover with the shield and with the flask
GM: roll perception -2 to avoid caltrops.
Arganyev: [3d6] => [3,2,3] = (8)
Arganyev: done
GM: you do so.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [16] Zombies)

Lenia (Harald387): Advance.
GM: Perception -1 to avoid caltrops, DX-2 to avoid broken boards.
Arganyev: Please don't step over my sword!
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(12,-2)] => [3,1,4] = 8 vs (10) or less Success! by 2
GM: sigh.
Lenia (Harald387): Done!

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [16] Zombies
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Zombie: zombie guard twitches. zombie slinger shoots at Singeon [3d6.skill(14,-4)] => [2,2,6] = 10 vs (10) or less Success! by 0
Zombie: two other slingers ready their slings.
Singeon: Acrobatic Dodge
GM: Singeon needs to defend, at -3 for darkness.
Singeon: Skill: Acrobatics (15): [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [3,6,5] = 14 vs (15) or less Success! by 1
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [5,3,5] = 13 vs (11) or less Failure! by 2
Arganyev: hm
Zombie: The stones slams into him for [1d6+2] => [4,2] = (6) damage
Singeon: Is it 10:06 yet?
GM: Not even. You take 2 damage after DR.
Singeon: Ok

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Thog: "Twang, twang!" fast draw fast-ready shoot into darkness! [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [2,6,2] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5 [3d6.skill(18,-1)] => [2,3,5] = 10 vs (17) or less Success! by 7 [3d6.skill(18,-3)] => [4,4,3] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Arganyev: that ring saved you from real harm, Singeon ;)
Zombie: Dodge [3d6.skill(6,0)] => [1,6,6] = 13 vs (6) or less Failure! by 7
Thog: [2d6+8] => [3,2,8] = (13) DR2
Singeon: I had that planned... it is happening exactly as I foretold
GM: Thog drives another bolt into the zombie, but it doesn't seem to notice them at all.
Arganyev: no doubt
GM: it's currently got 3 of them buried to the feathers in it - they're actually sticking about 2 feet out the back of it.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I attack again
Sithis: [3d6] => [2,5,4] = (11)
GM: okay.
** Arganyev shouts 'Thog, try to disarm them instead injury them with your bolts!" **
Zombie: mace parry [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [1,2,4] = 7 vs (8) or less Success! by 1
Sithis: then, no success, I think
Sithis: and no capped at 9?
Arganyev: lucky damned
GM: he blocks you with his mace. [1d6] => [3] = (3)
GM: You knife doesn't shatter.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Sithis: well
Singeon: I Disarm him
GM: uhm?
Singeon: I make a disarming roll vs. ...
Singeon: His weapon skill
GM: oh. roll and stuff.
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-3)] => [6,3,3] = 12 vs (19) or less Success! by 7
Singeon: -3 for lighting
Singeon: I put that in there
GM: there's another -4 penalty to actually hit the weapon, but you succeed.
Singeon: BS 401
Singeon: I don't see that there, but ok
Zombie: block [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [3,5,5] = 13 vs (8) or less Failure! by 5
Singeon: Oh, for the weapon size, right?
GM: yeah, it's on the previous page. and he would have need to dodge or parry, so he completely fails.
GM: quick contest! he'll use ST.
Singeon: Excellent.
Zombie: [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [3,3,4] = 10 vs (16) or less Success! by 6
Singeon: Thought Id try something different
Singeon: -3 light
Lenia (Harald387): Not on a ST roll. :P
GM: and zombies see in the dark.
Singeon: oh
Singeon: I wanna be a zombie
GM: then stop using luck when I hit you!
GM: roll your skill already!
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-3)] => [4,6,1] = 11 vs (19) or less Success! by 8
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,0)] => [3,5,4] = 12 vs (22) or less Success! by 10
Singeon: Or do i not use the penalty for darkness?
GM: ah. you bind the blind and rip it out of the zombie's hand.
GM: Not sure, but it doesn't matter, you completely owned it.
Singeon: Cool
Singeon: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: what would be m y skill for hurling the flask?
GM: dx or throwing.
Arganyev: I cant find that data
Arganyev: ah, default is....
GM: dx
Arganyev: I move forward, taking cover again
Arganyev: ###

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [16] Zombies)

Lenia (Harald387): Step forward. Cast Lightning for free.
GM: okay.
GM: roll it.
Lenia (Harald387): Lightning (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [6,3,2] = 11 vs (17) or less Success! by 6 for [0] => 0 FP.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [16] Zombies
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Lenia (Harald387): Done!
Zombie: the zombie guard remembers he's a worthy foe, not a minion, and recovers from stun. though he is disarmed. drat.
Zombie: he shield bashes Singeon [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (12) or less Success! by 5 deceptively -2/-1
Singeon: Bring it on
GM: you going to defend?
Singeon: retreat, acrobatic dodge
Singeon: Skill: Acrobatics (15): [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [2,6,5] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,3)] => [3,4,3] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Arganyev: very well
GM: well, he waves his shield at you and steps back.
Zombie: the slingers reload and stuff.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Arganyev: so Skeleton B 3 is a "tough"?
Arganyev: I mean, a worthy
Singeon: He and i are dancing
GM: "Twang, twang!" fast draw fast-ready shoot at the zombie's arm [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,5,5] = 15 vs (15) or less Success! by 0 [3d6.skill(18,-1)] => [3,5,1] = 9 vs (17) or less Success! by 8 [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [3,3,3] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
GM: Yeah, these are worthies.
Arganyev: all them, including slingers?
GM: there's no point in having 8 million bajillion hit points if you fall down on a single hit.
Arganyev: ok
Zombie: dodge [3d6.skill(6,0)] => [3,1,1] = 5 vs (6) or less Success! by 1
Lenia (Harald387): More importantly, IT means a lot less if one hit kills you. >.>
Arganyev: I agree
GM: another one of Thog's bolts is buried in the back wall.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: attack total
Sithis: move and AoA
Singeon: Finish him, Sithis!
Sithis: AoA, double, deceptive -4 for -2
GM: okay...
GM: roll them.
Arganyev: and from behind?
GM: runaround, anyway. p 391
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,4,1] = (8)
Sithis: [3d6] => [4,4,6] = (14)
Sithis: and now?
Arganyev: both success, the last one by 4
Arganyev: he needs to defend
GM: both hit. he can dodge, at -4, no shield. so he can't dodge.
Arganyev: with no shield, at -4
GM: roll damage.
Sithis: a moment, 2 d cutting
Arganyev: 1 for each knife
Sithis: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
Arganyev: 1d cutting for each
Sithis: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
Sithis: done
Arganyev: well done!
Narrator: Sithis dodges past the zombie guard, going low to cut it with her knives. The sharp blades skitter off the rusty scales, silver against orange, but fail to penetrate.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Singeon: Dual swings to chest. -3 light, -2/-1 deceptive.
Singeon: Flanking? LOL
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-5)] => [2,3,1] = 6 vs (17) or less Critical Success! by 11 [B556]
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-5)] => [6,3,5] = 14 vs (17) or less Success! by 3
Singeon: Critical Hit [3d6.crit_hit()] => [6,6,2] = 14 If any damage penetrates DR, treat as major wound. See [B420] for major wounds. [B556]
Sithis: I tried it, sorry)
Singeon: Good try
GM: he blocks [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [3,1,6] = 10 vs (12) or less Success! by 2
GM: roll damage for the other hit.
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Swing): [2d6+2] => [2,4,2] = (8) cut
Zombie: [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [6,5,2] = 13 vs (10) or less Failure! by 3
Narrator: One of Singeon's blades is intercepted by the zombie's shield, but the other cuts deep, knocking it down.
Singeon: Take that
Singeon: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: Heroic charge and Spyked Shield Bash: All Out Attack for +2 to Damage!
Arganyev: [3d6] => [2,6,6] = (14)
Arganyev: success
Zombie: dodge [3d6.skill(8,-4)] => [6,5,6] = 17 vs (4) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Zombie: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [5,4,1] = 10 You drop your weapon (& a cheap weapon breaks). [B556]
Zombie: [3d6.crit_hit()] => [2,4,4] = 10 The blow inflicts normal damage. [B556]
Zombie: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [6,1,6] = 13 You lose your balance & can do nothing else (not even free actions) until next turn; all defenses -2 until next turn. [B556]
Arganyev: avoid or suffer 1d+3 of damage
Arganyev: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
Singeon: Gonna put that in the chronicle ;->
Arganyev: 4+3 7 total
Arganyev: indeed!)
GM: it tries to roll away from you, but fails miserably. your shield crushes against its chest.
Singeon: Oh, that was the zombie?
Singeon: Nevermind
GM: That was the zombie.
Singeon: lol

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [16] Zombies)

Arganyev: oh, damage 8, I have Higher Purpose agains it
Lenia (Harald387): Move forward, fire lightning at a skeleton.
GM: which one?
Lenia (Harald387): E4.
GM: okay.
Lenia (Harald387): I have 8 hexes, -2 for staff.
Lenia (Harald387): -3 for light, -2 for move and attack ranged.
GM: agreed: -4.
GM: you're at a net -9.
Lenia (Harald387): 6 hexes is -2?
Arganyev: your staff doesn't lit this?
GM: okay, whatever. -7.
Arganyev: -3
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6.skill(14,-7)] => [2,5,6] = 13 vs (7) or less Failure! by 6
Lenia (Harald387): Nope!
Lenia (Harald387): Done.
Arganyev: hum
GM: [3d6.skill(7,0)] => [2,6,1] = 9 vs (7) or less Failure! by 2
GM: your lightning goes wide to the left, missing everything.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [16] Zombies
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Zombie: zombie guard tries to recover [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (10) or less Success! by 4
Zombie: zombie slingers take opportunistic shots on Arganyev [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [2,4,6] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0 [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [2,1,2] = 5 vs (12) or less Success! by 7
Zombie: damage is [1d6+2] => [4,2] = (6)[1d6+2] => [1,2] = (3) DR6
Narrator: Sling bullets bounce off Arganyev's armor.
Arganyev: I have no defense now, ok

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Thog: "Twang, twang!" fast draw fast-ready shoot at the zombie's arm [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,5,2] = 12 vs (15) or less Success! by 3 [3d6.skill(18,-1)] => [3,2,2] = 7 vs (17) or less Success! by 10 [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [4,4,6] = 14 vs (13) or less Failure! by 1
Thog: miss chance [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [1,2,5] = 8 vs (9) or less Success! by 1
Zombie: dodge! [3d6.skill(6,0)] => [2,4,1] = 7 vs (6) or less Failure! by 1
Thog: [2d6+8] => [5,5,8] = (18) DR2
Thog: "That not zombie Thog aim for!"
Lenia (Harald387): "You're not supposed to advertise that, Thog."
GM: Thog puts a bolt through the middle slinger to no effect.
Thog: "Thog honest! Not clever!"

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I take my personal basis and I do fire for burn this zombie so heavy
GM: Say that again?
Sithis: I take my "personal basics" from my gear,
Sithis: and I do fire for to burn the zombie
Sithis: understand?
Lenia (Harald387): It can take several minutes to create fire using flint and steel.
Sithis: I don't know to say in other way
GM: much better! hang on a second...
GM: make a fast-draw (knife) roll at -5.
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,2,5] = (10)
GM: you pull out your alchemical matches, light one of them, and drop it on the zombie. roll DX-5 to get a part that isn't armored.
Sithis: [3d6] => [2,1,5] = (8)
Sithis: hey! success!
Sithis: I think)
Narrator: Sithis drops a knife and replaces it with an alchemical match, then uses the match to ignite the zombie. it begins burning and mostly stops moving.
GM: Pretty cool.
GM: the zombie is dead.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Arganyev: that is the fire part! good purification for a shadow elf!
Singeon: Or undead?
Sithis: ooohhh, good!
Arganyev: it is dead, or not
Singeon: There are still enemies on the top
Arganyev: you know
Singeon: ?
Arganyev: sure
Arganyev: go ahead!
Singeon: How many slingers are there?
Arganyev: three?
Sithis: I see three
Singeon: I assume the wood thing will collapse. I am going to climb the wall
Arganyev: you are right
Singeon: I move and sheath my weapons
Singeon: I have the quick sheath perk
Singeon: I will climb next turn
Singeon: ###
Lenia (Harald387): Weapon Skill -4 to Reverse Grips as a free action, Fast-Draw to quick-sheathe each one?
GM: When the hell did you pick up quick sheathe?
GM: skill at -6 for single handed weapons.
Singeon: Its on my ad list
Singeon: I just noticed it
GM: so it is. I'll be damned. okay, skill at -6 for each weapon to reverse them.
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [1,5,3] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [5,4,5] = 14 vs (16) or less Success! by 2
GM: also, you can roll Acrobatics -6 to vault/roll up cliff face.
Singeon: I think we had a thing a few weeks ago where I could have used it and didn't
Singeon: Really?
GM: sure, but you'll lose your defenses.
Singeon: No, not good odds
Singeon: I'll climb next turn
Singeon: done

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

** Arganyev advances a step and shouts 'Be glad today! You receive the Baptism of Oblivion!' (hurls the flask of Holy Water to them!) **
Arganyev: Throwing, at 11
Arganyev: aiming at the ground of the one in front of me
Arganyev: skeleton E4
GM: roll DX-1 to hit the hex one of the zombies is standing in.
Arganyev: [3d4] => [3,1,2] = (6)
Arganyev: success
GM: well. [3d6] => [2,5,5] = (12)
Arganyev: does it have any area of effect?
Arganyev: I guess not but I ask anyway
GM: the middle slinger goes up like a torch as the water hits it and converts to purifying flame. The one to it's left is splashed some and is smoking but still active.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [16] Zombies)

Arganyev: ###
Lenia (Harald387): Step forward; another free Lightning bolt.
Lenia (Harald387): Lightning (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,3,4] = 8 vs (17) or less Success! by 9 for [0] => 0 FP.
Lenia (Harald387): Done.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [16] Zombies
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Zombie: the left slinger fires at Sithis [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [4,2,1] = 7 vs (12) or less Success! by 5
Zombie: the right slinger reloads.
Zombie: [1d6+2] => [5,2] = (7)
GM: Sithis takes 4 damage after DR when the sling stone hits her.
Arganyev: no defense?
Sithis: have dodge?
GM: you have your back to it.
Lenia (Harald387): Attack came from behind.
Arganyev: this is no runaround attack, ok

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Sithis: ah
Thog: "Twang, twang!" fast draw fast-ready shoot at the zombie's arm [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [1,1,5] = 7 vs (15) or less Success! by 8 [3d6.skill(18,-1)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (17) or less Success! by 8 [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [2,4,5] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
Zombie: dodge [3d6.skill(3,0)] => [4,2,5] = 11 vs (3) or less Failure! by 8
** Arganyev 'The the hands! to the slings hands!" **
Thog: [2d6+8] => [5,1,8] = (14) DR2
Narrator: Thog's arrow rips through the undead thing's hand, to no visible effect.
GM: c'mon, guys, parts are supposed to fall off these things.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I run and I try surround the one with my cloak
GM: You don't have your cloak out, unfortunately. you can ready it, since you have a free hand, but you can't ready, run and act all in the same turn.
Sithis: at least, i left one blind
Sithis: I run and I kicked one
Arganyev: think another thing
GM: that you can do. roll DX
Arganyev: she wants to make one of them to fall from the high place
Sithis: I push one with my body
Sithis: [3d6] => [2,3,4] = (9)
Zombie: he attempts a brawling parry [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [2,3,3] = 8 vs (9) or less Success! by 1
Sithis: I push that the left with all my body
GM: he pushes you back and you two stand in opposition.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Singeon: Climb up
Singeon: Climbing (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (14) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Singeon: LUCK
GM: sonofabitch!
Singeon: 'Just in time
Singeon: Climbing (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [4,1,5] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: Climbing (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [1,6,2] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5
Arganyev: lol
Singeon: ##
GM: round 1 of 2, by the way - it's a 3 yard climb.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Singeon: Ok
GM: you can move through Sithis, but not stand in mid-air.
Arganyev: Heroic Charge and Shield Bash, if I reach...
GM: you know you can just all-out charge and slam, right?
Arganyev: but that does inflicts damage ?
GM: yes.
Arganyev: or only knockback?
GM: oh, yes it does.
Arganyev: ok, SLAM
Arganyev: [3d6] => [3,4,5] = (12)
GM: knockback is damage. all-out?
Arganyev: yes, for +2
GM: roll vs shield to hit, at -3 for darkness.
Arganyev: I rolled 12, vs 13, success by 1
Arganyev: base skill 16)
Arganyev: and Higher P. , 17, success by 2
GM: okay. dodge [3d6.skill(6,0)] => [2,6,4] = 12 vs (6) or less Failure! by 6
GM: you do [1d6+6] => [4,6] = (10), it does [1d6] => [3] = (3)
Lenia (Harald387): Punt.
GM: you smash it with your shield and slam it back a yard, knocking it over. it doesn't get up.
** Arganyev 'Live and undead cant coexist! Out of here!' **
Arganyev: ###
Mark: guys, it's 9:15 and I think the mess of you can take on 1 zombie slinger before it can reload or do anything useful. Let's call it for the night.
Lenia (Harald387): Sounds fair.
Singeon: ok
Singeon: Let me make my climbing roll. Might be funny
Arganyev: ok, no problem
Singeon: Climbing (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [3,1,3] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7
Singeon: Nope
Sithis: I'll burn too, don't worry, hehe
Singeon: Not funny
Arganyev: no critical funny, not  ;)
Mark: A point of administrivia - there is exactly 1 room left in the Caverns of Madness.
Mark: So you guys will be going back to town in a session or two.
Singeon: YES!
Lenia (Harald387): Unless the monster in the room eats us.
Arganyev: the one these zombies are guarding, I guess
Arganyev: that is a point
Mark: It looks like Nate has stopped playing. So the roster may get shuffled a bit then.
Singeon: That was a fun night. I liked how the teamwork happened. Not bad
Mark: Something to think about.
Lenia (Harald387): I didn't fry Singeon! :D
