Saga of Westmarch Wiki

Narrator: With the last of the skeletons defeated, the delvers collected their gear and bandaged their wounds.
Narrator: Behind them was the tunnel to the main gallery. Ahead of them, whatever the undead sentinels were guarding. It looked at first glance like a wooden door, slightly rotted.
** Singeon goes forward and guards the exit **
GM: What are people up to?
Lenia (Harald387): Was anyone seriously hurt by undead?
Singeon: No
Lenia (Harald387): If so, this is a great time to apply first aid. And rest. Just saying.
Beltarne: (( To my knowledge, I'm not hurt or down any FP >.> ))
GM: Damage totals: Arganyev 4, Beltarne 3, Thog 2, Singeon 2, Sithis 4.
GM: The only fresh wound is Sithis, who took a slingstone to the back while setting a zombie on fire.
Beltarne: Well then! First aid sounds like a plan.
GM: Everyone is done a fight's FP from, well, the fight. And Lenia is down to 8.
GM: Sorry, down another 8.
Singeon: OK
GM: Okay, Beltarne seems to have recovered from his funk and is bandaging. Who first?
Beltarne: Sithis has a fresh injury, so would benefit from immediate attention.
Thog: test
Sithis: ** Glares at Beltarne, but allows him to attend her. **
Singeon: Beltarne, can you feel necromantic evil from this direction?
GM: Beltarne, roll at your leisure.
Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => 3d6.skill(14,0)
Thog: **Shakes his head....confused...***
Beltarne: (( woops ))
Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [1,3,4] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6
GM: [1d6-3] => [6,-3] = (3)
GM: Beltarne applies bandages and such to Sithis.
GM: 30 minutes pass for people resting.
GM: What are other people doing?
** Singeon watching the passageway, resting. **
Arganyev: "The burning light of Tyrandor..."
Arganyev: "reveals no evil in my sight."
Thog: Would it be possible to sit and rest in any of these areas an watch as well? and still get the advantage of a better view?
Singeon: Good try.
GM: Sit and rest in what areas?
Singeon: There must be evil to come, strong enough to animate these twisted shells.
Beltarne: (( Er, you'll have to excuse me while I scour the character sheet for things that would detect necromancy ))
GM: Okay. You're in the zombie guard room. Zombies are destroyed. Tunnel leads north. Or south, but you came that way.
Tolt2k (Thog): "AGHGHGHG!!!:
Singeon: I guard the north entrance.
GM: You've rested for 1/2 hour while Beltarne patched Sithis.
GM: It's about 8pm at night (game time), you're getting a little tired.
GM: Though not a lot, since most of your day was spent sitting in a room watching Lenia cast spells and Sithis read books.
GM: What are you doing?
Lenia (Harald387): It's hardly my fault identifying magic items takes so long. Onward! To glory and riches or gory death!
Singeon: I say we continue on. We have killed these guards; they might have warned their masters. They might seek revenge in the night.
Tolt2k (Thog): ((Shock!!)) "death?"
Beltarne: "Aye, I be morre than able to push forrwarrd. Bettar that we catch them unawarres now!"
whispering to Tolt2k (Thog), You get the sense that you were being watched.
** Arganyev says 'Singeon, in the night? We are in a enough dark place right now' **
whispering to Beltarne, I see your pseudo-Scottish accent is as bad as mine.
Singeon: You speak truth, Dwarf
Singeon: But we are not asleep. We are at.. oh... 93%, I figure
Arganyev: a moment, I need to retrieve my sword!
GM: Having picked up your gear, you head down the tunnel.
Narrator: The tunnel slopes down again, and the walls are slick with moisture. It opens onto an underground grotto: a stagnant pool with some boulders sticking out of the water. 8 creatures - a bizarre and repugnant mix of lobster and man - twist their bodies toward you as you approach. Their claws clattering, they grab crude weapons and advance.
Sithis: then, lets go!
Arganyev: Beltarne, can you throw it to me (in a non-lethal way, please)?
Tolt2k (Thog): (lol)\
Singeon: Anyone have butter sauce?
GM: Everyone see that?
Arganyev: hm...
Tolt2k (Thog): I see nothing on the map
Beltarne: Nope...
Arganyev: neither me
Beltarne: Is this on CM6?
Sithis: not here...
GM: CM6.
Beltarne: Ah. I was on CM4
Beltarne: There we go.
Singeon: It lost my picture when you hover over my fig
Lenia (Harald387): I see lobstermen!
Beltarne: Singeon - it'll show up once it finishes loading.
Sithis: no, I'm in CM4, a moment please
Tolt2k (Thog): whats CM4?
Lenia (Harald387): Maptools Map Designation.
Arganyev: the last session map
Singeon: Is lobsterman 8 casting?
Lenia (Harald387): In the top right, click on the globe icon and it'll give you a choice of maps; pick CM6.
Beltarne: (( Click on the globe - what Lenia said. ))
Sithis: I'm in CM6, I see blue lines and such, but I don't see tokens
GM: No, lobsterman 8 isn't casting. He's holding a glob of energy in his hand. That's different.
Tolt2k (Thog): Ah HA!
Singeon: OK
Tolt2k (Thog): can force the players to the maps too mark)
GM: everyone good now?
Sithis: now, thank you Mark
Arganyev: I see ourselves now
Singeon: Limited line of sight here. Watch your flanks!
GM: A few notes on the map - black lines denote solid walls.
GM: blue lines indicate small rocky ridges sticking out of the water. You don't know how deep the water is.
Sithis: I see some lobsterman, but and us? where are us?
Beltarne: South edge.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Lobsterman: Lobsterman7 advances cautiously.
Lenia (Harald387): Oh lordy, they're fast.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

** Singeon mutters: "Come to me, fool." **
Lenia (Harald387): "I heard rumors of Elder Spawn in the caverns. If these are them..."
Lobsterman: back up... no, he throws a piece of bronze at Arganyev [3d6.skill(16,-4)] => [1,5,5] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Tolt2k (Thog): I should be good to fire off one shot this round yes?
GM: Yes, but hang on, I forget he had ranged attacks. Arganyev, you've been hit unless you defend.
GM: Arganyev? Defense?
Arganyev: I block
Arganyev: [3d6] => [1,5,2] = (8)
Arganyev: vs 14)
GM: Okay, some weird metallic thing is stuck to your shield.
GM: Now, it's Thog's turn. And yes, you have an arrow ready so you can attack, but you have a -6 penalty for allies in the way.
Tolt2k (Thog): oh boy....[3d6] => [6,4,4] = (14)
GM: who you shooting?
GM: how are you attacking?
GM: details are good.
Tolt2k (Thog): No I just think I It was a quick draw and shoot but the result was something less effective skill 17 -6
Tolt2k (Thog): I just pray I didn't hit my friends
Tolt2k (Thog): sorry, target: Lobsterman 7
GM: All-Out or normall attack?
Tolt2k (Thog): Normal attack
GM: Thank you!
GM: Range is 12 for a -5, -6 for allies gives you a -11 off an effective skill of 21. You miss.
GM: [3d6.skill(8,0)] => [3,5,6] = 14 vs (8) or less Failure! by 6
GM: Your arrow crunches into the back wall, out of sight.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I run at 4 (lobsterman4)
GM: Entering the water?
Sithis: yes
Sithis: all I can
GM: It slows you down. You'll have a -1 on Dodge as long as you're in the water.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: I run at Lobsterman 4 and running broad jump across water.
GM: The water is only knee deep, though.
Singeon: Don't wanna get my boots wet
Singeon: Jumping (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [1,4,4] = 9 vs (15) or less Success! by 6
** Arganyev shouts 'Beware, maybe some hole in that opaque pool' **
Lenia (Harald387): Translation: This gives him an opportunity to show off.
GM: I thought you ran at 4?
Singeon: Huzzah!
Singeon: 7
Singeon: Enc 0, move 7
Sithis: Yes, singeon, you say at 4
GM: You have another hex or two of movement, if you want it.
Arganyev: 4? That is me)
Singeon: there then
Singeon: xxx
GM: okay.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

** Beltarne takes a step forward. **
Beltarne: "By Gulthyn beard, be shielded from harm, woman!" (casting Armor on Sithis[3d6.skill(16,-5)] => [5,2,1] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3 ) penalty for range
GM: Kind of you.
Beltarne: Someone has to take care of the fool.
Lenia (Harald387): ((Now taking bets on whether it will help...))
Sithis: thanks!
GM: +1 DR?
Beltarne: Ehn, +2. She'll need it by the looks of things :D
Beltarne: ###
GM: okay. how much fatigue?
Beltarne: (( lookin that up ))
GM: 3
Beltarne: (( 4 -1 for skill, total 3 ))

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

whispering to Beltarne, You also have 3 hits of damage.
Arganyev: I advance straightforward, covering with my shield in the measure of the possible

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Lenia (Harald387): Move forward to get the heck out of Thog's way.
Arganyev: oh ###
Lenia (Harald387): Done.
GM: okay.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [24] lobsterman8)

Lobsterman: knight5 fires his crossbow at Singeon [3d6.skill(15,-4)] => [2,6,4] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
Lobsterman: [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [3,1,1] = 5 vs (9) or less Success! by 4
Arganyev: hm?
Lobsterman: but hits lobsterman1 instead!
Singeon: Do I see the knight?
Lobsterman: lobsterman dodges [3d6.skill(8,0)] => [4,4,4] = 12 vs (8) or less Failure! by 4
Sithis: I don't know, I don't see them
Arganyev: he is signaling them, do you see Sithis?
Arganyev: in the map, zoom out more
Singeon: Ah, Lobster Knights
Sithis: they are lobsterman, not knights
Singeon: LobsterKnights
Sithis: ah!
Lobsterman: [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8) DR6 Impaling
GM: The bolt crunches through the lobsterman's shell and stops about 6 inches in. The lobsterman does not seem to be affected.
Lenia (Harald387): *twitch*
Lobsterman: Lobsterknight6 shoots Thog [3d6.skill(15,-9)] => [6,3,3] = 12 vs (6) or less Failure! by 6
GM: Lenia blocks the shot and will be hit instead!
Lenia (Harald387): Deflect Missile.
GM: I know that.
Lenia (Harald387): Deflect Missile (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [3,2,4] = 9 vs (17) or less Success! by 8 for [1] => 1 FP.
Lobsterman: miss chance for Beltarne[3d6.skill(9,0)] => [4,6,3] = 13 vs (9) or less Failure! by 4
Lobsterman: miss chance for Thog [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [5,5,6] = 16 vs (9) or less Failure! by 7
GM: Lenia's spell harmlessly deflects the attack.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] lobsterman8
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lobsterman: Aims at Thog.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Arganyev: well done
Sithis: well done? hmmm I'm lost
Arganyev: for Lenia deflecting)
Lobsterman: lobsterman4 prepares to hit Sithis with his axe. lobsterman1 splashes forward into the water, as do 2 and 3.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Sithis: haha I have shield from beltarne!
Arganyev: sure
Lobsterman: Lobsterman7 steps forward, snapping his claws at Singeon.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Tolt2k (Thog): can I see lob6?
GM: There's a lot of stuff in the way.
GM: doesn't look like it to me.
GM: by "stuff", I mean Singeon and his dance partners.
Arganyev: lol
Tolt2k (Thog): Take Aim at lobman2
** Singeon sings "Do a little dance, get down tonight!" **
Tolt2k (Thog): ###
GM: Do you want to move?
Tolt2k (Thog): I can get away with one step yes?
GM: Yes.
Lenia (Harald387): You're a Heroic Archer - you always get your Acc bonus, and get no penalty at all for Move and Attack with a bow.
GM: Well, he gets one or the other, really.
Lenia (Harald387): Right.
Tolt2k (Thog): Ill take my move continue to aim and improve my roll to attack next round...hopefully
GM: Why don't you just aim and reload? Thanks.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I go running against lob2, all my move if I can and attack if I can too
Sithis: no, against lob2 at side Singeon ;)
Arganyev: that is)
GM: Well, that's smart!
Sithis: yes, can I attack, too?
GM: okay, you can attack, but you're at a max of 9 unless you heroic charge.
Singeon: I knew she loved me!
Sithis: then, heroic charge
Singeon: Who doesn't!
Arganyev: hm... lol
Sithis: haha
Sithis: [3d6] => [5,2,6] = (13)
Arganyev: even Lobsterknights)
Singeon: I'll beat the love into them.
Sithis: hmmmm success?
Lobsterman: Dodge! [3d6.skill(8,-1)] => [2,2,5] = 9 vs (7) or less Failure! by 2
GM: Yes, you cut him. Roll damage.
Sithis: i search for damage, a moment
Arganyev: she uses Long Knife, sharp and silvered
GM: it's 1d6 cutting, or 1d6-1 impaling. stab or slash?
Sithis: the best for me
Arganyev: stab, stab!
GM: pick one.
Sithis: then stab
Sithis: [1d6] => [6] = (6)
Sithis: oh! good!
GM: Your dagger fails to penetrate the lobster's armored shell like thing.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Feint and Attack Lobster Meat7!
Sithis: done :(
GM: okay.
Singeon: one sec
Singeon: Feint: Saber (22): [3d6.skill(21,0)] => [1,2,4] = 7 vs (21) or less Success! by 14
Lobsterman: Resist feint [3d6.skill(18,2)] => [2,4,4] = 10 vs (20) or less Success! by 10
GM: You confuse him.
Singeon: Slash neck (-5 to hit)
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-5)] => [2,5,3] = 10 vs (17) or less Success! by 7
Lobsterman: He sidesteps and parries with his hands with a feverish defense [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [2,5,3] = 10 vs (12) or less Success! by 2
Singeon: Do i damage his hands?
Lobsterman: No, Judo parry. He takes his readied action to throw you [3d6.skill(18,-4)] => [4,5,2] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3 DA-4/-2
Singeon: What do I roll? acrobatics?
GM: Any defense you like, at -2.
Lenia (Harald387): Parry and try to cut off his hands. :D
Singeon: I can parry this?
GM: Yes. that's a defense.
Singeon: Defend: Saber R Parry (17F): [3d6.skill(17,-2)] => [4,1,5] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Singeon: Its like a martial arts movie!
GM: You bring your blade up, he doesn't chuck you over his shoulder.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

** Beltarne advances to between Arganyev and Lenia. **
Beltarne: ###

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: I move forward and attack, capped
Arganyev: random hit location?
GM: If you like.
Arganyev: [3d6] => [5,1,3] = (9)
Arganyev: Broadsword!
GM: Torso!
GM: make your attack roll.
Arganyev: that was the attack roll!
Arganyev: oh sorry
Arganyev: I was ready for the damage
GM: random hit location. now roll an attack.
Arganyev: my point is I was "aiming" for a random location, but I roll them after the attack
Arganyev: ok
Arganyev: [3d6] => [1,1,6] = (8)
Arganyev: OK!
Arganyev: Broadsword swing! for:
Arganyev: ah, wait, the defense)
Lobsterman: Block with his shield [3d6.skill(10,1)] => [2,4,6] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
Arganyev: Broadsword swing! for:
Arganyev: [2d6] => [1,5] = (6)
Arganyev: "clanck!"
GM: You slice into his extremely thick and hard, armor plated skin.
GM: but you do not penetrate.
Arganyev: ###

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Sithis: but, those lobsterman have shield too?
GM: yes, shields and axes.
Sithis: for that?
Sithis: well, well...
Lenia (Harald387): I hate my spell list. I step forward and cast Lightning.
GM: It's your list.
Lenia (Harald387): I know.
Lenia (Harald387): Lightning (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [2,6,3] = 11 vs (17) or less Success! by 6 for [2] => 2 FP.
Lenia (Harald387): Hm.
GM: ?
Lenia (Harald387): Yeah, that'll do. 3d6 bolt.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [24] lobsterman8)

Lenia (Harald387): Trying to decide if I want Luck to aim for a crit success, but 6s are hard. Done!
Lobsterman: The knights drop their crossbows and ready their shields. 1 of 2.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] lobsterman8
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lobsterman: step and aim some more.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Lobsterman: lobsterman1 sloshes forward. lobsterman2 steps forward and cuts Arganyev [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [5,2,1] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6
Arganyev: hey!
Arganyev: block!
Arganyev: [3d6] => [5,3,4] = (12)
Arganyev: by 2
GM: Your shield protects you from the stone axe.
Lobsterman: lobsterman3 steps forward and cuts at Sithis [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [6,3,3] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Lobsterman: lobsterman4 charges into the water.
Sithis: do I must parry?
GM: yes, that'd be good.
Arganyev: you can try to Dodge, and retreat
Sithis: that's right
Sithis: I do that
Sithis: I parry with the knife
Sithis: OK?
GM: roll.
Sithis: [3d6] => [2,5,6] = (13)
Sithis: no success
Lobsterman: He gets past Sithis' dagger and hits for [1d6+3] => [1,3] = (4) DR5 cutting damage
Arganyev: ahhh
GM: her enhanced armor absorbs the blow.
Arganyev: wow

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Sithis: hey! I don't know! how many damage? or not damage?
Lenia (Harald387): No damage.
Sithis: thanks!
Lobsterman: The lobsterman martial artist steps to the side and evaluates Singeon.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Tolt2k (Thog): With Lobman7 still in sight
Sithis: the ugly yellow monster is the martial artist?
GM: was that a question?
GM: Yes, Sithis.
GM: Tolt, was that a question?
Sithis: ah, thanks
Tolt2k (Thog): making an all-out attack, what is my modifiers to hit him?
GM: You'd have skill 20.
Tolt2k (Thog): [3d6.skill(20,0)] => [4,4,4] = 12 vs (20) or less Success! by 8
GM: thanks!
Beltarne: (( Bingo! ))
Lobsterman: martial artist dodges [3d6.skill(11,-2)] => [4,2,2] = 8 vs (9) or less Success! by 1
GM: he sidesteps your arrow.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: sorry, I go
whispering to Tolt2k (Thog), Sorry. Nice try, though!
Sithis: I aim the face of that green demon
Sithis: the 3
Arganyev: "to the eyes, Bubu!!!"
GM: okay, roll at -5.
Arganyev: that is the face, right
Beltarne: (( Go for the eyes Boo! ))
Sithis: I want to cut that ugly face
GM: -9 for the eyes.
Sithis: only the face, please
Sithis: [3d6] => [5,6,6] = (17)
Sithis: jope!
GM: well... you miss. CP for a reroll?
Sithis: non success
Arganyev: jope! = Dang!
Sithis: no, thank you
GM: 'kay. [3d6.crit_miss()] => [3,5,1] = 9 You drop your weapon (& a cheap weapon breaks). [B556]
Sithis: jope is dammit or such)
GM: You catch some weird lobster protusion on his face and drop your dagger.
GM: it disappears into the water.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Sithis: haha)
Singeon: Step, Feint, Attack!
Singeon: Feint: Saber (22): [3d6.skill(21,0)] => [3,4,5] = 12 vs (21) or less Success! by 9
Lobsterman: [3d6.skill(18,3)] => [2,4,2] = 8 vs (21) or less Success! by 13
GM: Since he was evaluating you, he kinda reads your feint.
Singeon: Slice neck. He is at -2 defense because of Counterattack technique.
GM: okay.
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-5)] => [2,3,4] = 9 vs (17) or less Success! by 8
Lobsterman: He slips forward, trying to get inside your guard as he parries [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [3,4,3] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
GM: Your bladework doesn't impress him, and he steps forward inside your guard.
Singeon: We are at close combat?
Sithis: Arganyev??
GM: You will be. You taking a step?
Singeon: I stepped to start.
Singeon: Can I retreat?
GM: He hasn't attacked yet, but no, you can't retreat into difficult terrain.
GM: You could sidestep, though...
Singeon: Okay

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Singeon: Cant get fig
** Beltarne turns to face Lobsterman #1 and steps towards it, swinging with his ancestral axe at its neck, hoping to cut it off at the shoulders. **
Beltarne: Deceptive Attack -2/-1 [3d6.skill(20,-2-5)] => [4,6,5] = 15 vs (13) or less Failure! by 2
Beltarne: A swing and a miss.
Beltarne: ###
GM: sadness.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: I repeat my earlier try, but to the FACE of the one at my left
Arganyev: [3d6] => [4,4,5] = (13)
whispering to Beltarne, Lenia (Harald387), (GW): I forget - is Singeon is close combat if he Sidesteps?
Arganyev: by 0 (with the -5)
Arganyev: Broadsword to the fac
Lobsterman: Block [3d6.skill(10,1)] => [5,2,3] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
GM: His shield work is annoying.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Arganyev: indeed
Arganyev: ###
Lenia (Harald387): What's the penalty if I toss a Missile spell into close combat?
GM: -2, I think. miss chance as normal.
GM: I mean, if you miss.
Lenia (Harald387): I've got no other penalties, so I'll risk it.
Lenia (Harald387): Lightning at Lobsterman 7!
Lenia (Harald387): Innate Attack (Projectile) (14) [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [3,5,4] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
Lobsterman: Dodge [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [4,2,3] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
Tolt2k (Thog): Longbow [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [5,3,1] = 9 vs (18) or less Success! by 9
Lenia (Harald387): ...
Tolt2k (Thog): ignor sorry
Lenia (Harald387): Oh.
Lenia (Harald387): God, I nearly fell over thinking his Dodge was 18.
Lenia (Harald387): Luck on the dodge.
Lobsterman: Dodge [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [3,2,1] = 6 vs (11) or less Success! by 5
Lobsterman: Dodge [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [2,3,3] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3
GM: No matter how you slice it, he's dodgy.
Lenia (Harald387): Clearly.
Arganyev: wow they are the true protagonists!
Singeon: I use luck on the dodge
GM: You can't, not your attack.
Singeon: Darn
Lenia (Harald387): Might hit Singeon! [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [6,2,4] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3
Lenia (Harald387): No.
GM: step?
Lenia (Harald387): Just a facing change so Beltarne and I are back to back.
GM: okay.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [24] lobsterman8)

Lobsterman: ready shields, fast-draw blades [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [6,3,6] = 15 vs (13) or less Failure! by 2 [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [4,1,5] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
Lobsterman: lobster5 draws his sword, slowly.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] lobsterman8
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lobsterman: step and aim at Thog.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Lobsterman: lobster1 attacks Thog with his obsidian edged sword [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5
Lobsterman: he hits for [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8) DR2 cutting damage!
Sithis: oh! obsidian sword too?? I want that too!
Tolt2k (Thog): Dodge if possible
GM: Thog takes 9 points of damage. for what it's worth. which is... nothing. no stun, no knockdown.
GM: can't dodge - you all-out attacked.
Arganyev: oh not
Tolt2k (Thog): guess not
Lobsterman: lobster2 steps behind Arganyev [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [1,6,2] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5 and cuts him.
Lobsterman: lobster4 runs up next to Thog. Lobster3 steps and cuts at Sithis [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
GM: Sithis and Arganyev both need to defend at -2.
Arganyev: again? Block at -2!!!!
Arganyev: [3d6] => [3,5,5] = (13)
Sithis: [3d6] => [5,5,1] = (11)
Arganyev: fail by 1!
Sithis: me too
Arganyev: you not
Lobsterman: Damage to Arganyev [1d6+5] => [1,5] = (6)DR6
Sithis: really, I dont know, sorry...
Lobsterman: Damage to Sithis [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8)
Arganyev: that is another clank, lobsterman!
GM: both of you failed to defend. Arganyev's armor took the blow, but Sithis is sent flying as the sword cuts her skin for 4 points of damage. Sithis, roll DX-4 or fall prone as you trip in the water.
Sithis: I go
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,6,5] = (14)
Arganyev: that is due some knockback effect?
GM: You're knocked prone from the knockback.
Beltarne: (( Damage. ))
GM: Yes.
Lenia (Harald387): He hit her hard enough to knock her back.
Beltarne: (( crushing damage causes knockback. ))
GM: cutting, too.
Beltarne: (( true! ))

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Sithis: then, what is happened?
Arganyev: you were hit and...
Lenia (Harald387): You were cut for 4 points of damage and knocked down.
Sithis: am I in wate or not?
Arganyev: you are prone, in the floor (I guess)
GM: he hit you with a sword, shoving you a yard away. you fell over and are now half-draped on the center island.
GM: also, you're bleeding.
Sithis: ok
Arganyev: crushing sword
Lobsterman: the martial artist takes advantage of his judo parry and goes for an arm lock [3d6.skill(18,-4)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2 , +2 evaluate, -6/-3 deceptive.
GM: Singeon, you are in close combat and surrounded on all sides by obstructed terrain. You can parry at -7 or dodge at -3. you may Dodge acrobatically.
Singeon: One sec as I look at book
Arganyev: BTW Singeon, I cant communicate with you through whispers... Take note of this plz)
Singeon: -7 on the parry? Cuz of close combat?
GM: and the -3 deceptive attack, but mostly the close combat.
Singeon: I acrododge!
Singeon: Skill: Acrobatics (15): [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [4,4,2] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [1,1,4] = 6 vs (11) or less Success! by 5
Arganyev: "he dodges successfully, creating a neologism"
GM: Not wanting to have your arm broken and your crushed body tossed in the water, you jump out of the way.
Singeon: I consider that a wise choice. +5 cp for excellent roleplay!
GM: Ha.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

whispering to Singeon, Wise choices, and Singeon? More like -5 for poor roleplaying. =)
Tolt2k (Thog): Quic draw on my arow..
GM: roll...
Arganyev: haha
** Arganyev 'Thog you need to continue in the fight! You are strong!' **
Thog: [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,5,1] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: Beltarne, i sent you a node with my skils so you can see the ... nevermind
GM: you fast draw and fast load the arrow.
Tolt2k (Thog): [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [4,4,5] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
GM: yay!
Tolt2k (Thog): 2 many things at once sorry guys
Tolt2k (Thog): At lobster man 1 quick shot [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [4,6,6] = 16 vs (17) or less Success! by 1
GM: which lobster? left or right?
GM: thank you!
Lobsterman: lobster1 blocks with his shield [3d6.skill(10,1)] => [2,6,2] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
Tolt2k (Thog): I'll figure this out
GM: I'll try to be patient. you're getting better. =)
GM: he blocks, but you pin the shield to his hand. He makes some weird keening noise in response.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I get up with acrobatics skill, I turn at lobsterman number 3, and I fast drawn another knife, can I all in this turn? moreover I attack he too?
GM: Roll Acrobatics at -6 to get up immediately; roll fast-draw to get a knife, and no, you can't attack. =)
Sithis: Acrobatics first:
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,4,6] = (13)
Arganyev: but both success would be good enough, though!
Sithis: non success, by -6
GM: You are sitting in the water now.
Sithis: no?
GM: so better, but still not perfect.
Sithis: then, I sit , then I grab her leg
Sithis: can I?
GM: no, it's too far away.
GM: draw the knife, or not.
Sithis: yes, I see
Sithis: sure!
Sithis: I forgot, sorry
Arganyev: go, go , go! Roll
Sithis: roll too? ah, OK
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,2,3] = (8)
Sithis: now, yes, success
GM: you have a cheap goblin knife in your hand.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: I roll reverse grip techniques for each sabre... then attack LobsterTuffGuy7
GM: ooh...
Arganyev: Singeon, we need, finally, to *damage* these creatures; Beltarne, you have a superb axe with flaming capabilities (I remember)
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (16) or less Success! by 1
Sithis: why?
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,=6)] => 3d6.skill(22,=6)
Arganyev: chose the locations, Singeon
Sithis: I don't have that!
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [3,1,6] = 10 vs (16) or less Success! by 6
Singeon: Reversed. Dual thrust to eyes
Beltarne: (( I need to cast a spell for the axe to flame. But more importantly, I need to HIT IT. ))
GM: okay, that's cool. roll 'em.
Singeon: This says swing, but it is a thrust, BTW
Lenia (Harald387): ((A sword in a reverse grip can't thrust.))
Singeon: Yes.
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-9)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
GM: Harald's wrong - it's a reach C weapon, which you are in.
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-9)] => [1,1,5] = 7 vs (13) or less Success! by 6
Lenia (Harald387): Ah, okay.
Beltarne: (( can't swing I thought it was. ))
Singeon: Two possibles, eyes
Lobsterman: parry, parry! [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [5,5,3] = 13 vs (11) or less Failure! by 2 [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [5,1,5] = 11 vs (11) or less Success! by 0
Singeon: I invoke LUCK
GM: well, he blocks one of them.
Singeon: On the success
GM: okay. [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [1,4,3] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3 [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (11) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: I'm tired of him
Singeon: Aw
GM: roll damage at +1 for the one that got through.
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Thrust): [1d6+3] => [6,3] = (9) imp
Singeon: thats 10 points
Beltarne: (( to the EYE. Very nice. ))
GM: Right. Uhm. These are Elder Spawn, if I hadn't mentioned...
Beltarne: (( no, you didn't. ))
Lenia (Harald387): CALLED IT.
Beltarne: (( Glad I have an axe :D ))
Singeon: Props, Beltarne
GM: You give him the one-eye Disadvantage and do 5 damage.
Singeon: Sweet!
Arganyev: elders?
Singeon: xxx
GM: He is vaguely annoyed about having a saber stuck into his eye.
Sithis: well done!
Arganyev: really or joking?
Beltarne: (( Arganyev - evil squid monsters. ))
Singeon: Shouldn't we respect our elders?
Arganyev: great Singeon!
Arganyev: not!
Lenia (Harald387): Important question: which eye?
GM: hang a second, everyone...
Tolt2k (Thog): my nails are digging into the desk
Singeon: He made his dodge of 11 three times in a row! Defying the odds!
whispering to Tolt2k (Thog), Elder Spawn, like these things, are very vulnerable to vitals shots and take extra damage. they're also easy to beat up with clubs. blades of all kinds have no effect - you have to stab the heart. your old wizard body told you all about them.
whispering to Lenia (Harald387), Elder spawn are homogenous, and have no brains or vitals and are immune to piercing and impaling weapons (1/3, 1/2 damage)
Arganyev: incredible
Singeon: we need to get glowing hands
whispering to Sithis, stabbing these guys isn't going to work - they have no brains or hearts. they're some kind of weird unearthly creature.
Lenia (Harald387): "Elder Spawn! Cut them, don't stab!"
GM: okay, I just made a bunch of long overdue knowledge rolls for everyone and whispered the info you got from them.
GM: where were we?
Arganyev: I don't have any ;)
Lenia (Harald387): Singeon's turn done, Beltarne up
GM: Singeon, do you want to move?
Singeon: ###
GM: you have a step, that you can use to step back... okay.
Singeon: I can only move back
Singeon: So no
Singeon: I can play this close combat thing as well
GM: good overconfident role-playing.
GM: g/go

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Beltarne: "Gorrrm pound it, ye fiend!"
** Beltarne cuts at Lobsterman#1 again, using speed to try and overpower his defenses. **
Beltarne: Deceptive Attack to the torso -4/-2 [3d6.skill(20,-4)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (16) or less Success! by 4
Beltarne: woops, went before you hit the initiative button.
Lobsterman: lobster1 waves his antennae at you while blocking [3d6.skill(10,-1)] => [6,2,3] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
GM: you got him. don't sweat being a little fast.
Beltarne: Grandfather's Axe * Primary [1d6+5] => [1,5] = (6) cut
GM: his armored skin absorbs the blow.
Beltarne: booo

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: OK...
** Arganyev shouts 'Tyrandor is impatient with these enemies! I can feel Him through my veins, through my muscles and... YOU can't STAND against us ANYMORE!!!' (Blessed, Heroic Feat: Strength) **
GM: can't - you already used it today against the Peshkali.
Arganyev: I though that was once per session?
GM: Well, so you are right.
Arganyev: "Once per game session,"
GM: Go strength!
Arganyev: [1d6] => [3] = (3)
Arganyev: my strength now is 16
GM: +3 damage, more hits.
Arganyev: I move an hex and change facing, then attack!
GM: Okay.
Arganyev: is that move allowed?
Sithis: Hey! take care. I just know this: stabbing these guys isn't going to work - they have no brains or hearts. they're some kind of weird unearthly creature.
Arganyev: agains Lobsterman2:
Arganyev: Broadsword against unearthly lobsterman!
GM: attack and stuff?
Arganyev: [3d6] => [6,3,2] = (11)
Lobsterman: block [3d6.skill(10,-2)] => [2,1,4] = 7 vs (8) or less Success! by 1
Arganyev: GHRrr
Arganyev: ###
GM: impressively, he blocks you. again.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

** Lenia (Harald387) yells, "Keep them off me!" and begins casting another Lightning bolt. **
Lenia (Harald387): Lightning (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [3,4,3] = 10 vs (17) or less Success! by 7 for [2] => 2 FP.
Beltarne: Hey, how many legs do these things have? 2? 6?
Lenia (Harald387): Standing my ground for now.
Lenia (Harald387): Done.
GM: 2 legs - they're humanoid-ish.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [24] lobsterman8)

Lobsterman: lobsterman6 draws his sword and steps forward.
Lobsterman: lobsterman5 runs forward, waving his antennae frantically.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] lobsterman8
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lobsterman: lobsters1 and 4 rain blows down on Thog, 'cause he's a monster! [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [3,6,3] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2 [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [6,6,6] = 18 vs (14) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Beltarne: Nice.
Lobsterman: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [3,6,4] = 13 You lose your balance & can do nothing else (not even free actions) until next turn; all defenses -2 until next turn. [B556]
Singeon: takes one to know one
Beltarne: VERY nice.
GM: Thog, one of them hit you - you need to defend.
Tolt2k (Thog): OK
Arganyev: folks, anyway, I don't see any apparent exit from this damned "room", perhaps we should go out from here? These guys don't seem very cooperative in the idea of being defeated by us
Lobsterman: lobster2 steps back and cuts at Arganyev [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [6,6,6] = 18 vs (14) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Lobsterman: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [1,5,2] = 8 Your weapon turns in your hand; must Ready it before it can be used again. [B556]
Arganyev: take that!
Sithis: ups! lobsterman3 for me!
Lobsterman: lobster3 steps forward and cuts at Sithis [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [5,4,2] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
Tolt2k (Thog): Dodge [3d6.dodge10,0)] => 3d6.dodge10,0)
Arganyev: hmr...
Tolt2k (Thog): Dodge [,0)] =>,0)
GM: Tolt: 3d6.skill(10,0) in brackets, please!
Sithis: can I do defend?
GM: yes, sithis, at -2 for kneeling.
GM: so, 10 or less.
Tolt2k (Thog): Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [2,1,2] = 5 vs (10) or less Success! by 5
Beltarne: Yay!
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,1,3] = (7)
Sithis: success?
Arganyev: yes
Narrator: Thog shoots and steps to the side of the lobsterman's blow, and Sithis gets her dagger in the way of the sword in time.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Sithis: well!
Lobsterman: The lobsterman mage sighs, steps forward, and throws his spell at Arganyev [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [3,2,4] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5
Beltarne: Dodge!
GM: Yeah, hard to do that with his back turned and all...
Lenia (Harald387): Next thing in the path is a Lobsterman?
Lenia (Harald387): Deflect Missile.
GM: yep.
GM: aren't you holding a readied spell?
Lenia (Harald387): ...Feck, do Missile spells prevent Blocking spells?
Arganyev: [3d6] => [6,2,3] = (11)
Beltarne: (( Not sure. You'd definately not be able to build it more. least not without a will-3 roll or something. ))
Beltarne: I forget!
GM: you can't cast any other spell while holding; see p12
Lenia (Harald387): Yeah.
Arganyev: I think I failed by 1?
Lenia (Harald387): That makes Missile spells the most useless thing on the bloody planet.
Lenia (Harald387): So yeah. No Deflect.
GM: they have drawbacks.
GM: okay. Arganyev is hit by a spell, to whit, Loyalty.
Beltarne: Uh oh.
GM: Resistance contest - roll Will!
Lobsterman: [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [6,3,2] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
** Arganyev shouts 'Flee away, fools! 'Ouch'ghrr" **
Arganyev: [3d6] => [2,3,4] = (9)
Arganyev: by 5!
Narrator: The purple ball strikes Arganyev's back, and tendrils of energy crawl up his spine. As they touch his helmet, they shimmer and disappear. Arganyev shakes his head briefly.
GM: That was anticlimatic.
GM: Guess I'll just have to kill you.
Arganyev: ha!
Lenia (Harald387): Welcome to my world, mister lobsterman wizard. :P
Sithis: do you want to kill Arganyev too??

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Sithis: hehe!
Lenia (Harald387): There are moments...
Arganyev: lol
Sithis: yes, I know :)
Arganyev: mates, we need to go out from here; ready for the retreating?????
Lenia (Harald387): Retreating? We've barely begun to fight!
Lobsterman: The Martial Artist steps back, sloshing into the water.
** Singeon yells, "Never. The win will be ours!" **

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Sithis: ready, (more or less)
Beltarne: "Ach, they be just some wee beasties!"
Singeon: They task me.
** Arganyev shouts 'but we cant hurt them, Lenia, and we have likely nothing to gain fighting for conquering this place!' **
Lenia (Harald387): "We can't simply leave them infesting the place. Elder Spawn tend to spread."
Tolt2k (Thog): Too close !! Fast Draw [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [2,5,4] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: "This one is mine."
GM: yay!
** Arganyev 'If that is so, then you... unfortunately can be right' **
Sithis: I don't know another thing to do, only run out...
Tolt2k (Thog): Whats my mod to shoot in the face?
GM: -5.
Tolt2k (Thog): Bow [3d6.skill(17,-5)] => [2,5,4] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
GM: same guy?
Arganyev: my mood is good for that, certainly
Tolt2k (Thog): "in Yo Face"!
Tolt2k (Thog): I say
Sithis: just Gandalf says the others run against the Balrog...
Sithis: why us cant not run out?
Lobsterman: Dodges! [3d6.skill(8,1)] => [6,2,1] = 9 vs (9) or less Success! by 0
Singeon: Gandalf never fought lobsters
Singeon: Really not much of an argument, I know...
Beltarne: Evil lobsters.
GM: You miss, as he gets his shield in the way again.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I try get up again and run!
GM: you can get up and attack, but not run.
Sithis: roll acrobatics again?
GM: no, you can just stand from where you are.
Arganyev: Gandalf did found some extrange creatures in his cthonic way with the Balrog...)
Sithis: ah!
Sithis: I get up for the moment
Sithis: why I can not move more?
GM: takes all your movement to stand.
Sithis: can i do another thing?
GM: attack?
GM: what else do you want to do?
Arganyev: invisibility
Singeon: Activate blur in ring?
Sithis: wait, I need translate "arañar", a moment
GM: you can cast a spell. blur?
GM: I don't think you have a ring of invisibility.
Singeon: She has a ring of blur
GM: No, Lenia has a ring of Blur, Sithis knows the spell.
Sithis: yes I can
Singeon: Help her not to get hit, right?
Singeon: Nevermind
Sithis: I cast blur then
GM: Right, it helps. you casting, Sithis?
GM: okay, 3d6 against a 12.
Sithis: yes, I cast blur
Sithis: [3d6] => [2,3,5] = (10)
Sithis: success at last!
Sithis: done
GM: how much penalty to hit?
Sithis: penalty? You don't say nothing about this
GM: -3, then.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Why is Lobster7 in yellow?
Arganyev: I was saying her -5
Sithis: then? what is happens?
GM: Lobster7 is fleeing because you poked out his eyeball.
GM: Sithis, you have a -5 to be hit.
Arganyev: ah? that is good!
Tolt2k (Thog): I just thought he looked good in yellow
Singeon: For sure, he's running away? how unsporting.
Sithis: ah! good!
Singeon: Lob2
GM: what about him?
Singeon: Face him, Reverse Grips, Step forward and take Dual Cuts to Lob2's Torso. Deceptive: -6 to hit/-3 to his defense.
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [5,4,2] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [1,4,2] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9
Arganyev: torso? eyes instead!)
Singeon: Re-reversed!
GM: okay.
Singeon: No, torso
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (16) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [1,6,1] = 8 vs (16) or less Success! by 8
GM: are you stepping to his flank?
Singeon: He;s at -3 to defend
Singeon: Forgot to move
Singeon: No there
Lobsterman: block! dodge! [3d6.skill(10,-2)] => [3,4,3] = 10 vs (8) or less Failure! by 2 [3d6.skill(8,-2)] => [4,6,6] = 16 vs (6) or less Critical Failure! by 10 [B556]
Lenia (Harald387): *snrk*
Lobsterman: [3d6.crit_fail()] => 3d6.crit_fail()
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Swing): [2d6+2] => [1,5,2] = (8) cut
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Swing): [2d6+2] => [5,4,2] = (11) cut
Lenia (Harald387): Not his night.
Lobsterman: [3d6.crit_mis()] => 3d6.crit_mis()
Sithis: BTW: still I don't know because we don't run out here)
Lobsterman: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [4,2,3] = 9 You drop your weapon (& a cheap weapon breaks). [B556]
Singeon: 8 and 11 befire DR
Arganyev: wait, perhaps there are some chance Sithis...
Narrator: The lobsterman focused on recovering his weapon, but then dropped it, shattering the stone blade. meanwhile, Singeon's sabers cut deeply into him.
GM: He takes 3+7 damage and falls over.
Arganyev: hear I some groan or anything for the cuts?
Singeon: ###
Arganyev: !! Victory! (now there are the others)
GM: Sure, they make creepy whining noises when badly wounded.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Arganyev: very well Singeon
** Singeon yells "the tide is turning, speak no more of retreat!!!" **
Beltarne: "Ye'll go down nao, beastie!"
** Beltarne cuts at Lobsterman#1 again, looking to hack it off at the thighs with a flurry of blows. **
Beltarne: Attack to the leg [3d6.skill(20,-6-2)] => [2,1,3] = 6 vs (12) or less Success! by 6
Beltarne: Attack to the leg [3d6.skill(20,-6-2)] => [5,3,5] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
Sithis: the lobsterman2 lost his sword?
GM: lobsterman 2 is in bad shape. lobsterman1...
Singeon: and his life
** Arganyev shouts 'Companions, that sort of sorcerer ahead is quite dangerous, too!' **
Lobsterman: dodge [3d6.skill(8,0)] => [5,3,5] = 13 vs (8) or less Failure! by 5
GM: Beltarne hits. damage?
Beltarne: Grandfather's Axe * Primary [1d6+5] => [3,5] = (8) cut
Arganyev: that is! Grandfather Axe!
GM: you cut into him. he recoils.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: well done
Arganyev: nothing better than that axe, btw
Arganyev: i move, face the one at my right, and deceptvie attack of -4 for -2 to his defense
Sithis: perhaps they have weakness to obsidian...
GM: you can't step on Sithis...
GM: roll the attack.
Arganyev: Broadsword attack!
Arganyev: [3d6] => [2,1,1] = (4)
Sithis: haha, take care with me Arganyev!
Arganyev: crit!
GM: [3d6.crit_hit()] => [4,4,3] = 11 The blow inflicts normal damage. [B556]
GM: roll damage, at +3 for blessed strength.
Arganyev: [2d6] => [6,5] = (11)
Arganyev: "that is for you, thing!"
Arganyev: 14 damage)
Narrator: Holy fire burns across Arganyev's skin as his blade carves into the Lobsterman. It drops, orange blood spraying everwhere.
GM: You got him.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Arganyev: ###
Singeon: huzzah!!!!
Lenia (Harald387): Hold still. Ready action; if the mage begins casting a spell, I zap him.
Lenia (Harald387): Done.
Arganyev: now the wizard! beware with him!
GM: okay.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [24] lobsterman8)

Lobsterman: The knights advance, warily evaluating Arganyev

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] lobsterman8
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lobsterman: The mage begins casting.
Arganyev: indiscrete
Lenia (Harald387): Pew pew. Lightning.
GM: You're at -4 for a lot of cover in the way.
Lenia (Harald387): And another -3 for range. Bah.
GM: actually, only -2 for Sithis.
Lenia (Harald387): Innate Attack (Projectile) (14) [3d6.skill(14,-4)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (10) or less Success! by 0
GM: (you can Staff over Singeon)
Arganyev: and me?
Arganyev: ah, forget it)
Lobsterman: Dodge [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [4,2,6] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3
Singeon: Oh yeh!
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6-3] => [2,2,5,-3] = (6)
Lenia (Harald387): Luck.
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6-3] => [2,6,4,-3] = (9)
Lenia (Harald387): [3d6-3] => [1,2,5,-3] = (5)
Lenia (Harald387): Bah. I'll take the 9.
Beltarne: Yay stunning?
Lenia (Harald387): Burning, HT at -1 per 2 damage taken or be stunned.
Lobsterman: HT [3d6.skill(12,-3)] => [6,2,2] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
Arganyev: another step!
Lenia (Harald387): So much for whatever spell that was. :D
GM: The monster starts gesturing, then Lenia zaps him with lightning.
Arganyev: so he is stunned and retreating, right?
GM: It writhes as the electricity does weird things to it.
GM: Well, he's stunned right now...

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Lobsterman: lobsterman1 steps back. lobster2 is stunned. lobster3 is dying. lobster4... attacks Thog [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [3,1,2] = 6 vs (14) or less Success! by 8
Lobsterman: Hero of his people, he hits!
Arganyev: no! Thog!
GM: Thog, defend.
Tolt2k (Thog): Dodge [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [6,5,3] = 14 vs (10) or less Failure! by 4
GM: shit.
Tolt2k (Thog): I squat and do what?!
Tolt2k (Thog): joking
GM: no, he doesn't. he regains his balance and doesn't attack at all
** Arganyev shouts 'We can't afford to lost our enchanted ogre! Stand, Thog!' **
GM: So never mind that.
Lenia (Harald387): ...An excellent point.
Beltarne: yay critical failure saves Thog!
Arganyev: I'm lost
Beltarne: Lobster critically failed last turn.
GM: I forgot that Lobster4 critically missed last turn.
Lenia (Harald387): That lobsterman critfailed last round, so he gets no action this round.
Beltarne: So he can't attack this turn.
Arganyev: then his attack is cancelled,? OK! hahah
GM: one more round, or call it at 9pm?
Sithis: one more
Arganyev: as you want
Singeon: Either
Lenia (Harald387): 10 PM for Emily and I, but I would be up another hour anyway.
Arganyev: one more, then
Lenia (Harald387): So it's up to her.
GM: Tolt? Emily?
Arganyev: true
Beltarne: I can hold togeather for another little bit.
Beltarne: Not sleeping well cuz I have a cold. Easer to sit up.
GM: Tolt?
Arganyev: only if you are enjoying this
Beltarne: Oh yes.
Tolt2k (Thog): Doesn't matter... I have some catching up to do one way or the other
GM: okay, one more round, see if you guys can rout them.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Lobsterman: #7 runs away!

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Arganyev: what was that red ball he leaved in his way?
Sithis: the lobsterman8 is dead?
Tolt2k (Thog): Attacking the Lob 4
Lenia (Harald387): 8 is stunned.
GM: rolls.
Tolt2k (Thog): Fast Draw [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [6,4,6] = 16 vs (15) or less Failure! by 1
Sithis: OK, thanks
Arganyev: Singeon, perhaps is worth to finish the sorcerer? You can do it
Tolt2k (Thog): cant get a grip on may arrow
GM: Thog fumbles the draw.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: As the 8 is stunned, I take my knife and nail him in his eye
Tolt2k (Thog): I'm about ready to just pick up the crab and throw him into his buddies
GM: roll, skill -5.
Sithis: [3d6] => [1,2,5] = (8)
Arganyev: that can be useful, Thog)
Sithis: success?
Arganyev: sure!
Lobsterman: staff parry! [3d6.skill(13,-2)] => [1,1,4] = 6 vs (11) or less Success! by 5
Arganyev: oh not, even stunned he defends!
Sithis: he is stunned! not parry!
Sithis: or not?
Lobsterman: a random twitch of his staff, held defensively in front of him, intercepts Sithis' blades
Arganyev: yes, he can parry...
Lenia (Harald387): He'd defend at -4, +2 for it being a staff.
GM: Stunned people defend at -4.
Sithis: these guys are very hard...
Lenia (Harald387): I'd say 'stupid staff parry', but I use it myself. :D

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Heroic Charge!!!! Dual Torso Swing!!!!
Arganyev: that is, and that one too
GM: rolls?
Singeon: deceptive -6/-3 to his defense
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [2,3,2] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [1,4,2] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9
Lobsterman: block! parry! [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [4,3,2] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2 [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [5,2,2] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
Singeon: I use luck (came back!)
Arganyev: how how how?
GM: He's good. Not Singeon good, but good....
Beltarne: (( -3 to defense? ))
Beltarne: (( not -1? ))
Singeon: LUCK!
Lobsterman: reroll [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [5,2,4] = 11 vs (11) or less Success! by 0 [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (11) or less Success! by 4
GM: He's carrying a medium shield, +2 DB.
Beltarne: oooogh.
Singeon: Shucks
Beltarne: Damn him.
Singeon: With a crossbow?
Lenia (Harald387): He dropped the crossbow after firing.
Lenia (Harald387): Like, round 2.
Singeon: Ah
Singeon: ####
GM: And spent 2 turns readying the shield, and another drawing his sword. It really is in the log.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Beltarne: "Haha! Flee tha might o' Gorm, bugge!"
** Beltarne turns and takes a step towards Lobsterman #4, slicing its legs out from under it in a storm of blows! **
Beltarne: Attack to the leg [3d6.skill(20,-6-2)] => [1,5,3] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3
Beltarne: Attack to the leg [3d6.skill(20,-6-2)] => [6,2,6] = 14 vs (12) or less Failure! by 2
Singeon: I know.
Singeon: NP
GM: Who you going after, Beltarne?
GM: oh, sorry, I see.
Arganyev: lobs4, but she needs to move Beltarne
Lobsterman: [3d6.skill(10,1)] => [6,2,3] = 11 vs (11) or less Success! by 0
Beltarne: grr
GM: He blocks, the rotter.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: 11, the magical number of today!
Arganyev: I'm agains Lobs5
Tolt2k (Thog): lobman has luck I think
GM: roll your attack(s)
Arganyev: step and attack to Lobs5!
Arganyev: deceptive -4 for -3
Arganyev: Broadsword agains crab!:
Arganyev: [3d6] => [4,2,2] = (8)
Arganyev: done
Arganyev: -4 for -2, it was)
Lobsterman: he's evaluating, so he ignores 1 point of deceptiveness;block [3d6.skill(12,1)] => [1,3,5] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
GM: He easily intercepts your blow.\

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Arganyev: clash
Lenia (Harald387): Begin casting Frostbite (1 of 3). Step forward. Done!
GM: okay...

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [24] lobsterman8)

Lobsterman: knight5 cuts Arganyev[3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [5,2,3] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4 -4/2 deceptive, +2 evaluate
GM: whatever, lobster5 hits.
Arganyev: Block?
Lobsterman: lobster6 stops and attacks Singeon [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5 -2/-1 deceptive
Arganyev: can I?
GM: sure, you can, at -2. Singeon, dodge at -1, no retreat (move and attack)
Arganyev: I parry at 16, better:
Arganyev: [3d6] => [2,5,4] = (11)
GM: You easily stop his blow. Singeon?
Singeon: Can I acrobatic dodge?
GM: hang on...
Singeon: It just says no parries or retreats.
GM: Yes, yes you can.
Singeon: Skill: Acrobatics (15): [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [3,3,2] = 8 vs (15) or less Success! by 7
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,+2)] => [4,1,2] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7
GM: You succeed!

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] lobsterman8
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Singeon: I spin out of the way!
Lobsterman: the mage does nothing, as electricity continues to course through his body.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Singeon: Run, lobster, run
Arganyev: good thing
Lobsterman: lobster1 flees. lobster2 moves feebly, crawling. lobster4... he hates Thog, or considers him good eating, or something. [3d6.skill(14,-1)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
GM: Thog, dodge at -1 for his Deceptive attack.
Tolt2k (Thog): ouch
Arganyev: good luck!
Lenia (Harald387): Retreat for +3, maybe?
Tolt2k (Thog): Dodge [3d6.skill(10,-1)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
GM: you can retreat - you have space.
Arganyev: use Extra Effort , whatever, for bettering your defense
Tolt2k (Thog): OK
Tolt2k (Thog): want me to roll again
GM: sure. fair enough.
GM: roll, please.
Tolt2k (Thog): thanks
Arganyev: good luck!
Tolt2k (Thog): Dodge [3d6.skill(10,-1)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2
Arganyev: that is
Tolt2k (Thog): could not get a grip on him
GM: that should have been (10,2) but you definitely made it. he steps up to force you down the tunnel.
GM: okay, that's the end of it for tonight.
